SusiGo wrote:
Maggie, check out the short film "Inseparable", that's a good one as well.
Thanks, I did, Susi. HEAVY! Then i click a related link "starter for 10". so funny.;)
Sam wrote:
It's so cringe-worthy!. I still have no idea how Moftiss thought "Sherlock" when seeing Ben's performance in this. Good acting, but I see no sign of a good Sherlock! Blech.
Totally agreed!
I don't imagine they were looking for "Sherlock" in his Atonement performance. They were looking for someone who could pull off Sherlock. Make a character that was highly unlikeable, likeable. Hold the screen. And have the angular looks that the Strand sketches gave him.
Atonement on ZDFneo on friday, 12 July 20:15
I'm not sure I should watch it. I've read the book and hated it, and I've seen the film (thank you, little sister) and hated it - before Sherlock, of course. I found both versions of it heartbreaking and boring and overly dramatic at the same time.
You hated it? Wow, that's even more interesting then. I mean, if it was just boring.............
As long as I don't have to buy it before I've seen it - and if there's nothing else to do that evening I will give it a try.
Last edited by Mattlocked (June 27, 2013 11:20 am)
Re-watched Benedict's scenes in a youtube vid the other night and could hardly watch. His character is just awful, I mean he's a low-life predator who gets away with rape and ends up then marrying the girl. It is hugely hard to believe it's the same man who plays Sherlock *shudder*. Yep, not sure what Mofftis saw when they watched Atonement but thank goodness they did!!!!
But he played the role brilliantly.
What a talent.
So I should not watch it just because the character is weird/mean/awful??
It's a good film and all actors give excellent performances.
besleybean wrote:
But he played the role brilliantly.
What a talent.
Totally. Still, so hard to watch him in that role. He is too damn talented...
Bah. I have neither tv nor internet.
I wonder if the library has a copy.
If not, they may order it for you.
At least Ben's role in Atonement was the one that made Moftiss think of him as Sherlock, right?
An important reason to give it a try.
Last edited by Mattlocked (June 28, 2013 8:23 am)
I need to go to the library phone is nice, but not perfect for all the work I need to do online. I'll have them try to get it for me.
Score! I've got Atonement - now I have to get them to order full metal alchemist. (no internet = no netflix and I've got to keep up with Eslin to be able to correct her fanfics).
Not so sure I'm going to like Atonement. Benedict is creepy, but I'm finding it hard to get into. Started it last night, can't pick it up again until Monday.
I loved the film and thought all the performances excellent.
Plus there's definitely something wrong with me, cos I don't find Benedict creepy at all!
I first read the book and it left my somehow unsatisfied. It's difficult to put a finger on it but it seemed very construed, as if it was trying too hard. I forgot about this feeling but when watching the film I had the same impression. The film is quite true to the book so I think I'm just not totally happy with the literary source. That's of course my personal opinion. I liked the acting and the careful reconstruction of the settings so I think for me it must be the story that lacks something to get me really excited.
Atonement tonight on ITV: