Sorry, couldn't find any reference to these and also didn't really know where to put this...
Does anybody remember the reviews and were they taken down?
I'm not sure I know/remember to what it is you are referring.
Sorry, I possibly wasn't clear!
Can't remember if it was when we were waiting for S4, or earlier...
but there was an option to pre-order the new series DVD on Amazon.
The company had the 'review' facility open, even though the series had not yet aired.
Some enterprising and and entertaining fans posted a load of very funny fake reviews about the series.
Oh, I understand! That does sound funny! Unfortunately, it's very hard to try to go back and see something like that. Amazon only lets you sort by "Most recent" reviews. There's no option to view them "oldest to newest." I just tried going back page by page, trying to get from the most recent reviews to earlier ones, and I couldn't seem to find any that were from that before time, at least none that stood out as anything out of the ordinary. But maybe nobody on Amazon Canada did that sort of thing..
You would know them if you found them...
I think largely Johnlock.
I don't do Johnlock, but I seem to remember that they were quite clever and really very funny.
I can imagine that would be funny!
Last edited by Yitzock (February 21, 2021 7:45 pm)
I hope they're archived somewhere!
Yeah, this was what I wasn't sure of...even if any individual recorded them some how.