I'm writing a feminist critique on "Sherlock" for my college writing class, and I made a survey. If you watch the show regularly, would you mind taking it? It'd be SUPER helpful, thanks so much!!!
Also, if you'd like to comment below, can you tell me your opinion on "The Abominable Bride" in its portrayal of feminism?
Done - and welcome!
Done! Good luck with your paper!
About TAB and feminism, I think it was timed well, considering the anniversary of women's rights to vote and while being a look back at how vicious that fight had to be, I also think it draws some parallels back to our modern times. Sherlock (unless you go by some of the EMP theories) was imagining it all with a modern mind... while himself saying he is a man out of his time; he seems to care about women having equal rights and treated as such (the avenging 'ghost' taking revenge on men who wasn't treating women right; simply on the basis that they were women)
But I'm not the best at discussing feminism and equal rights I suppose.