I'm 40. Named April. Divorced, childless, boring. Hospice nurse atm.
Living in SC, USA. (Ya'll Sherlockians are SO welcome to visit me if you travel here. Lots of wooded / waterfall hikes in these parts. And a few cool old mysteries - heard of Issaqueena?)
I love watching Sherlock, Star Trek and Shakespheare.
I'm trying to piece together a theory on the Moriaty twist. Can't wait to read other's ideas.
Got my fingers crossed the cast will love filming season 4. Setlock hoards... yikes.
Sorry to bore you. Again, hi.
Welcome to the forum! Not bored yet, don't worry about that. There are quite some Star Trek fans around here. You can take from my avatar that I am one of them.
Enjoy your time here.
Last edited by Schmiezi (March 17, 2015 5:33 am)
Hi, April, not boring at all. Welcome to the forum and have fun.
Hi April, welcome ! :D
Hello April! I'm boring too
Hi April, nice to have you around! Enjoy being here
Hi April!
Welcome to the forum! I can tell you're not boring -you are a Sherlockian, after all. So it is possible you might be bored if there's nothing "fun" going on, but aren't we all?
Anyway, welcome again, and you'll see that you'll end up having quite a lot of fun around here. So be prepared to stop being bored
Aw. To be greeted immediately by a handful of amazingly friendly Sherlockians... feels so heartwarming.
It's wonderful how inclusive and uplifting everyone is in the comments throughout the forum.
Thanks for welcoming a seemingly faceless, uneventful member to your ranks.
I guess each of us are potentially a pandora box - a set of mysteries wrapped in skin. So I an excited to be among such interested folk. I look forward to discovering more about some of you.
^__^ Thanks again. - April
Mysteries...I like that. And don't worry about [thinking you are] "uneventful", it'll pass, just like boredom
Hello and welcome to the forum April. Even though it is March!