Seems as if the first trailer is out:
Wow ... gooseflesh ... I have ...
The trailer is just epic. EPIC! I cannot wait to see the film. I know it is panned as not faithful to the book, but to be honest (embrance yourself for something shocking).... i haven't liked the book too much to begin with. I love LOTR, is such an amazing book, when you compare with The Hobbit is like two books from two different writers. I like that the films gets darker and that they didn't started dark from the beginning.
Only the elves woman gets on my nerves. So cliche.
The trailer looks quite good. Tbh, I did not really like "The Desolation of Smaug" except the dragon. IMO it was too artificial and clichéd. I only read LOTR and wondered how much Hobbit was in the film and how much was added to fill three three-hour films. But I am willing to watch the whole series to the end because there is a lot of brilliant film-making in it. And a dragon.
A dragon who says "Button Lady" ... that adorable. LOL
Completely agree, Susi.
And I'd like to know how much of the Dragon we get to see in the next Movie because I felt like I waited ages for him to appear last time.
I never finished the book of The Hobbit, yet I felt I could tell which parts were Tolkein's, and which had been added by Peter Jackson in DoS, and something just didn't flow right for me - I'll watch the last instalment eventually, but won't rush to see it, tbh.
Lovely to see the excitement it causes though!
I actually liked more the Desolation of Smaug, all characters get darker, Mirkwood is exactly like i pictured in my head and how great is Martin acting during it?
The filling is from other writtings of Tolkien, most of each happens during the Hobbit time. Only the woman-elf is totally new and totally pointless (just to have a love story there). I am not a purist and i don't get the outcry, the most books getting to films are changed (the only films were i think they missed the point was in th Harry Potter serie how little attention they gave to Snape). There is such a love for the details in these films, i love the artwork, the props, the actors.... I cannot believe someone could have done more justice. For sure The Hobbit is not LOTR in eppicness because the story in the book from the beginning is not dark and as epic and with such a deep-meaning. For example the ring in the Hobbit is just a convenient prop for the Hobbit, but nothing to suggest its meaning it gets in LOTR: So it was a great pressure to make Hobbit work after LOTR and such a pity they didn't do the films other way round (but for sure than Martin woudn't have played Bilbo and Benedict Smaug, so there are not only backdraws, LOL).
gently69 wrote:
A dragon who says "Button Lady" ... that adorable. LOL
Those were the first two words I said when hubby showed me the trailer.
I'm excited about this and will be booking tickets to see it as soon as it comes out as I did with the others. I love it. But, but, but, but .... there are so many things I'm not really happy about and feel could have been done better. And I'm not even a keen Tolkien fan. A lot of it is down to me loving the book as a child (and an adult) and having my own idea of what it was like..
I can't explain it, but these films haven't captured what was in my head when I read the book. There are so many things that feel wrong, from the inadequacy of Thorin's beard to Tauriel's existence. And far too much CGI-looking CGI. I don't know why it bothers me. I grew up with Ray Harryhausen films, which are equally unrealistic. But somehow those models look unreal in a sinister, otherworldly way, whereas CGI sometimes just looks fake. (Maybe it's because I've only watched the films in 3D, at the cinema). Can you imagine if they could have translated Benedict's body acting for Smaug to a modern, electronic Harryhausen-type model? How amazing would that have been?
I won't list all gripes because it will sound petty, and I do really love the films. But just one more .... Mirkwood. I've tried to tell myself that they couldn't make it as dark as it was in the book, but still - did it have to be quite so bright? There needed to be a contrast between the sinister, deep darkness and the magical, all-dancing, all-singing, joyful, secret elf parties that they gate-crashed!
Oh, just one more. The first encounter with Beorn. I'm sure it makes better cinema, but I really missed Gandalf's respectful manipulation of Beorn - and the echo of the dwarfs (dwarrow? ) arriving at Bilbo's house.
Now, the actors are (almost) all brilliantly cast and are supremely fantastic and watchable, and the whole thing is done with obvious love and that means I know I will love this next film. But it's always going to niggle at me that it could have been better (for me, anyway. Although I don't know anyone at all who was pleased with the addition of Tauriel so I know I'm not alone on that one).
Absolutely love the trailer. So excited!
Although at the same time, sure, I really like all the points you bring up, Liberty, and agree in the wondering about how much Smaug there will be (because honestly, the tale doesn't 'end' with defeating him/winning back the mountain, so need a lot of movie to show all that), and yes, enjoying the films, despite petty uncertainties about various details/being a little strung out. But still… how can not be excited watching that, and seeing the new posters?
LOVE those posters!
tonnaree wrote:
LOVE those posters!
*grins* I know!!!
As i read the book, i was expecting the first poster, i was sure it would come. But the second one is the big surprise for me.
I love the second poster! Martin is such a wonderful Bilbo. I am not as thrilled about the Hobbit movies than I was with Lord of the Rings but I was instantly deeply impressed by Martin's way of playing Bilbo.
There are multiple sources showing the new poster for Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, which features Martin: Here's the one on Hypable.
The new trailer has been released...I'm so not ready for this
Looks sooo intense and emotional!
Having never read The Hobbit, these films are just amazing to me and I have no idea what was in the book and what wasn't, so it doesn't really matter, and I don't notice anything wrong about them!
I'm literally SO excited for the next film. I've heard there's going to be mega feels and heartache though, and that people die.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Having never read The Hobbit, these films are just amazing to me and I have no idea what was in the book and what wasn't, so it doesn't really matter, and I don't notice anything wrong about them!
I'm literally SO excited for the next film. I've heard there's going to be mega feels and heartache though, and that people die.
In the same boat here. Can appreciate the points serious book-fans make, and commentary from a cinematic stand-point, but still love them anyway and can't wait (and "dread") seeing the last!!
'People' always die in Tolkein. It is like Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis!