Oh and it gets stranger here.
Last Friday, places in Tasmania (our island state in the South) had a blistering 41C & dry winds that whipped up some catastrophic bushfires that swept across the land.
Tomorrow, they will have snow............
* One Extreme to the Next for Tasmania * Catastrophic Fires now Snow! *
On Friday Hobart recorded its hottest ever day in 118 years of records @ 41.8c, Tomorrow they are going for a top temp of just 16c!
Snow is Forecast tonight and tomorrow morning on the higher peaks above 1000 meters!
We like making 'friendly' jokes about the oddness of Taswegians...... maybe we have good cause after all.
Ok, I can't top that weather... At all.
It's been pi**ing down here nearly all day.
With British weather the only thing we do really well is a good drizzle.
We only reached 43.3 Celsius near Sydney - luckily the violin is still in the shop as humidity dropped to 20%!
Grey skies laden with snow. Going to be a cold few days coming up...what am I saying? It is cold now.
Now it's getting very cold. White frost adorns the grass. There is no cloud to be seen apart from small clouds of breath rising in front of your face.
Without a warming coat you're lost.
Quite dramatic.
Still no snow here. Rain, lots of rain... No snow.
I flung open my curtains hoping to be under several inches of snow.
No such luck.
Last edited by Mnemosyne (January 14, 2013 2:06 pm)
Yep, here too the flurries of snow have turned into sleet and then rain. We are supposed to be getting snow tonight but, as always, the forecast keeps changing!
I'm sitting on the sofa with my laptop, the window behind me. The snow outside is reflected on my screen and I'm thinking that the Christmas design is back.
Mnemosyne wrote:
Still no snow here. Rain, lots of rain... No snow.
I flung open my curtains hoping to be under several inches of snow.
No such luck.
I flung open my curtains this morning and " Oh My God..... another 40 cm of snow to shovel!"
I really love snow but by the time I finished I had no feeling in my arms.
Apparently now it won't snow till Sunday.
Yay! Snow in Europe. I'm off for a week skiing in France this Saturday. It's looking like good conditions.
I haven't had any snow yet where I am, although it has been forecast. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere if it does snow.
I don't either. But if I let the snow become too high it's a nightmare. 20/30 cm are fine. Last year I made the mistake of staying put by the fireplace and 2 days later I was snowed in. At -17°C not much hope is going to melt away.
@Davina if the snow in France is like here.........absolute perfection!
Oh the weather outside is frightful...
Went to sleep, everything was normal. Woke up and saw this from my bedroom window:
Of course, the snow doesn't turn up at Christmas (bloody rainy Christmas last year), but it does when I have to drive to school every other day, to do my exams.
Last edited by Mell92 (January 17, 2013 3:03 pm)
I think I'm in love with the view from your bedroom window so pretty
Mnemosyne wrote:
I think I'm in love with the view from your bedroom window so pretty
Haha, thanks These views are not so uncommon in the part of Belgium I'm from Small farm towns
I've been sub-freezing for several days now, and today it's FINALLY sunny. But I had freezing rain on Monday/Tuesday that almost threatened to keep me from class, which would have been awful.
It was sunny and beautiful, although cold (13 degrees F) this morning at the ski resort. I bundled in layers and was quite warm. The skiing was absolutely fabulous! I am blessed to have a ski pass that allows me to ski every Thursday.
We had an icing sugar covering of snow on Tueday.
Apparently we're threatened with more this weekend.
But at the moment, it's so wet, nothing is gonna stick out there!
We had 47 Celsius today - that is, plus 47 Celsius. I cannot ever remember it being this hot in the Coastal Zones of Australia. It was insane!
Please send snow if convenient. If inconvenient, send anyway!
I heard they had 4 metres of snow in Russia. Maybe you should appeal to them to send you a container full of it. They'd be happy to get rid of it.