Retired after 35 years state employment I have a little time to pursue my Sherlock interests. I have a Sherlockian since 1976 when I began reading my dad's Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes novel. As the years passed Amazon was created which allowed me to buy the PBS Sherlock Holmes DVD Set and eventually Kindle, but the old leather bound book is still hard to beat. Hawkenman
Hi, warm welcome! What do you think about the BBC series?
I really liked it, their were several discrepancies in some scences biy I found it to be the best series yet. Did Jeremy Brett makke any versions of Sherlock in The Valley of Fear and A Study In Scarlet?
Welcome, hawkenman
"hawkenman" wrote:
a Sherlockian since 1976
You should put that on a t-shirt
hawkenman wrote:
I really liked it, their were several discrepancies in some scences biy I found it to be the best series yet. Did Jeremy Brett makke any versions of Sherlock in The Valley of Fear and A Study In Scarlet?
I don't think he did, no. I'm sure they would have made every single canon story eventually if he hadn't sadly passed. Interestingly, not many adaptions actually tackle A Study In Scarlet...
Anyway, welcome to the forum.