SolarSystem wrote:
That's nice:
It felt so very right.
And by the way, I still like Mary a bit better when she's talking with her German voice.
SusiGo wrote:
Nice bonus for the Germans. Although the English expression is quite interesting, too:
Always learning something new
For the sake of science.
Very educational indeed.
But I still love the "Ich hol nur mal schnell was raus". My boyfriend gave me a funny look when I cracked up at that, but when I said the magic word (= Johnlock) he knew what was going on.
I love the translation.
Oh, and another nice touch: Mycroft's "Kuchen, Karaoke, Duzen" - I thought that was quite clever. The "Duzen" replaces "mingling", and I think it's nice that they sort of prepare the audience for the "Du".
And it makes sense, doesn't it, because Mycroft doesn't do friends and he certainly doesn't do anything informal like "Du", either.
Yes. ARD can be grateful to us
Just found this comment on tumblr and I think the author is... absolutely right.
if ARD wanted the siezen to serve a NO HOMO purpose it backfired gloriously, because now it sounds super dirty and intimate whenever they’re talking hehe
And this is fun:
Last edited by SolarSystem (June 8, 2014 10:41 pm)
And I couldn't resist:
LOL, Solar, you made my day. Also this gravestone ... Ha ha
Yeah, I know it's early but don't worry, I'm going to bed again. For an hour or two.
Last edited by gently69 (June 9, 2014 5:25 am)
Here come the figures for "Im Zeichen der Drei":
market share in general : 10.7 %, 2,44 million viewers. Meaning a loss of 1.7% compared with "Der leere Sarg". Younger audience (age group 14-49): 13% - meaning a higher than usual average on a first broadcast.
Last edited by tobeornot221b (June 9, 2014 7:39 am)
Lovely pic, Solar, and some great tumblr things.
Tobe, does not sound too bad for Germany. It seems people are finally getting the hang of it.
Thanks, Susi.
And I agree about those figures. Let's not forget that we had wonderful weather yesterday AND that it's a long bank holiday weekend. I'm sure that a lot of people just were doing something else instead of watching tv because of that.
I hadn't realised how many great German Sherlockian tumblers there are - thanks, Solar dear
My pleasure, lovely.
Harriet wrote:
For peace's sake in our household I waited for the german version to buy, and will mostly use the english audio later on.
But I think it's nice to have a choice. Even if the german words on screen are a little annoying
Yeah, well that's why I didn't buy the German version, the words on screen. Don't want that mixed up.
Mattlocked wrote:
I agree. And, as you mentioned before, I already discovered some things which I missed in the English version.
Well I watched the English version more than once, so there was nothing new to me in the German versions.
One small mistake:
"Bainbridge! Gentleman here to see you!"
In German it was something like two men... but the guy knew just about John at this point.
The dubbing overall was quite good. The best man thing felt bit "aufgesetzt" but was propably the best way to do it. And FINALLY the Du. Endlich!
The trailer... sorry but this time Mary was shown quite long and clearly and Sherlock in pain too.
What's the point of a surprising, shocking "Wendung" if they show it beforehand... I bet they will show it right before His Last Vow today again... crazy Germans...
Well I had a different problem yesterday... I watched Fargo right before that and I was only seeing Lester... Sorry but Martin is not as "wandelbar" as Ben is. I hardly see Ben in Sherlock, but Martin always uses the same "Mimik" and moves and so on... So I saw Lester all the time...
zeratul wrote:
One small mistake:
"Bainbridge! Gentleman here to see you!"
In German it was something like two men... but the guy knew just about John at this point.
No, I think you are mistaken here. The guy who walks into the bathroom to tell Bainbridge that someone wants to see him is the same guy John AND Sherlock talk to at first and who tells them that Bainbridge is still on duty for another hour. So he knows about both of them.
*singing, dancing, celebrating *
Just for the records: it was always my two cents that Duzlock would happen in this very moment and this one alone and no other moment, it had to be.
*just being touched*