I hope I got them correct, Mattlocked! He does tend to mumble and with a voice so deep booming in the speakers it's tough to catch what he says, his real voice isn't like that.
Mattlocked wrote:
posing for the crowd before they had to turn off all cameras - Oz Comic Con presents Benedict Cumberbatch sunday panel
Did he really pose for them like that? XD I'm loving them both!
❝ I do vocal warmups all morning. Martin has started to do them as well, even in scenes when he doesn’t say anything. He might be taking the piss. ❞
- Benedict Cumberbatch. Getting prepared for sherlock. Ozcon (via benaddictmindpalace)
Oh dear god almighty. I don't think I can stand much more. Just smother me in my sleep
How can he be so freaking charming?????
He's on a mission, to charm the world into loving him!
Must be something like that.
And he is bloody good at it!
He's on a mission to charm the world to be deaded.
Just saw a quote on tumblr.
Apparently this is what our fella is reading right now if you'd like to add it to your Amazon wishlist.American Purgatorio: A Novel by John Haskell [color=#888888 !important](Author)[/color]
Solar do your worst!!
tonnaree wrote:
Just saw a quote on tumblr.
Apparently this is what our fella is reading right now if you'd like to add it to your Amazon wishlist.American Purgatorio: A Novel by John Haskell [color=#888888 !important](Author)[/color]
Downloaded a sample of this from iTunes and the first chapter is brilliant. Gonna buy it.
These photos.
It seems as if he never wants to stop the Q&A. Obviously he's having a lot of fun there.
Oz Comic Con Presenter:This is the last question everyone.
Benedict:Why? Is there an orchestra coming in or something? Do we need to give away the venue? Sorry guys we have to go the ticket on one of your cars' parking meters ran out! Keep asking questions!
Comic Con Presenter:Okay, this is really the last question!
Benedict:Keep yelling out questions!! I'll keep rambling on and answer ALL your questions at once!
clareiow wrote:
Solar do your worst!!
I already did and posted it...!
But of course, with so much Benedict it sometimes is difficult to not just see, but to observe...
SolarSystem wrote:
clareiow wrote:
Solar do your worst!!
I already did and posted it...!
But of course, with so much Benedict it sometimes is difficult to not just see, but to observe...
Ha ha, Solar, brilliant one.
Ah sorry Solar! Bloomin mobile and 3G means it take too long to scroll through. Took me ages to get this uploaded lol!
You have no idea how wide my effin' smile is today!
He is such a darn random cutie! I still wonder how that man is even real... the dancing. OMG! OMFG!
This thread makes me smile so wide!
He's just so adorable. He has this special thing that makes both teenagers and middle aged women dizzy just by the thought of him
And I can't remember if I saw this one on here or on Twitter, but it's adorable!
And yes, that was me screaming. I can't help myself
So bloody adorable. I loved today's panel so much, I'm going to miss OzBatch!