Oh wow, I just had a revelation... I was on tumblr trying to find a post about the food=sex metaphor, I couldn't find it but then I came across a post about Mrs Hudson, and Sherlock saying "give her some lines, she's perfectly capable of starving us." And I just realised, as their landlady, Mrs Hudson would have been perfectly capable of outing gay Victorian Sherlock and John, in other words "starving them"!
Ah yes!
I am reminded of the conversation in TSo3 about dancing and Sherlock laughing as he says that Mrs. Hudson caught them while he was teaching John to dance "Don't know how those rumours got started"
While rumours are an annoyance today, to a homosexual couple in Victorian times it would be devastating.
Oh, I don't like the light this brings on our Mrs Hudson, but you have some points here, ukaunz and Phantom...
ukaunz wrote:
Oh wow, I just had a revelation... I was on tumblr trying to find a post about the food=sex metaphor, I couldn't find it but then I came across a post about Mrs Hudson, and Sherlock saying "give her some lines, she's perfectly capable of starving us." And I just realised, as their landlady, Mrs Hudson would have been perfectly capable of outing gay Victorian Sherlock and John, in other words "starving them"!
Victorian Mrs. Hudson, an elderly lady, was willing to crawl into Sherlock´s room (into which sniper Sebastian Moran was firing from a gun) on all fours and gather some evidence for Sherlock there + to adjust the position of the figurine set there to trap the sniper... all because she liked and respected Sherlock.
Would such a person randomly "out" Sherlock and bring him to heavy labor and prison and loss of reputation that way...? I somehow doubt it.
I never thought she would, I was just making a link between the food=sex theory and "she's perfectly capable of starving us". Didn't mean to cast Mrs Hudson in a bad light, sorry!
No need to apologise - I was just surprised anyone would belive Mrs. Hudson capable of such behaviour.
I laughed so good over this. Best TAB nutshell-summary I´ve read:
Oh yes! So accurate!
And all of it, in the name of s...
-cience! (what did you think I was going to say??? :-P)
Science. Sure...
Well, priorities must be set.
Another one that makes my little Johnlock heart happy!
This video is so beautiful that it should be watched by anyone but I think this thread is the best place. Get your tissues ready.
and the tissues are necessary...
SusiGo wrote:
This video is so beautiful that it should be watched by anyone but I think this thread is the best place. Get your tissues ready.
Ugh, now I'm all soggy
Oh, the Johnlock evidence here is killing me! Perfection. How could anyone doubt?
And that, "from now on a new, bigger story". Put in the context in the video it does seem so obvious, doesn't it.
To cheer myself up I went and designed a new t-shirt to wear to 221b Con in April. Can you read it?
Perfect one, Mrs President.