How good a typer are you? Can you write Sherlock Holmes with your eyes closed? What about other character names?
I'll try first!
Sherlock Holmes (Yay!)
sherlocj Ahem!
Sherlock Holmes
I can type 90 words a minute without looking at the keyboard.
All though I do get excited when I"m posting in here and tend to make some stupid typos sometimes.
Sherlock Holmes
I also am a touch typer and wrote this whole post with my eyes closed ;)
I used to reach 90 words per minute, not sure I'm still that fast.
*high fives Wholocked*
It's a handy skill to have.
God yes. I learned when I was about 16 at my mother's suggestion/insistence ;)
Sherlock Holmes
Wow, I'm pretty impressed with myself. And it's a bit boring, I was hoping for something as beautiful as Harriet's sherlocj
Sherlock Holmes.
And I also typed most of this with my eyes closed. I don't know how fast I type, but I can touch-type, which is great. I took a course when I was 16 (this was when we still learned on typewriters, and that will give you an idea about my age), and I've never regretted it since it comes in so handy these days. Sometimes I see some of my colleagues struggling with the two-finger system, and it would drive me crazy not being able to type quickly what spews from my brain.
Btw, oddly enough, I sometimes mistype Sherlock by typing Shelrock. Which sounds like a type of stone you can find by the sea... "Mum, I found some shelrocks, can I throw them in the sea?"
Last edited by TeeJay (March 4, 2014 7:28 am)
Sherlock Holmes
Touch-typing comes in handy
Not a hard thing to me as I always type without looking at the keyboard: Sherlock Holmes
John Watson, Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Mycroft Holmes
... Yup! I tried to study the '10 finger system' at secretary school... I couldn't really get it I hate to admit (I'm a little bit proud I suppose and know I'm a good secretary). But I don't think I need it; I type really fast on my own and often hear comments about it.
I can also handwrite without looking, something I used a lot in school to maximise the utility of my visual memory. That did freak out my History teacher though... apparently it made me look possesed.
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (March 4, 2014 11:43 am)
I also do not use the ten finger typing thing.
I just used the pc and icq much and then suddenly I was able to type without looking ;).
If I think about it, I don't know where each key is, but when I want to type it, I just know, where it is...
So I use some fingers but not all to type and I am moving my hands... but I am pretty fast, so I am ok with that .
SolarSystem wrote:
Wow, I'm pretty impressed with myself. And it's a bit boring, I was hoping for something as beautiful as Harriet's sherlocj
Right, so far I've done least boring here but I never attended class or school for typewriting.
Sherlick Holmes
Sherlock HOlmes John Watson Mycorft Holmes Mary Morstan
Learned it for my job and write without looking most of the time. Ten fingers.
And maybe you find it a bit weird but I have fun practising from time to time with a training program.
But most of the time the fingers are quicker than the brain, which leads to a lot of corrections sometimse.
Also some problems witht he "German automation". So at the beginning "Scherlock" happened from time to time.....
rebeccaholmes wrote:
Sherlick Holmes
Freudian slip? xD
Definitely a Freudian slip.
This Is The Phantom Lady wrote:
rebeccaholmes wrote:
Sherlick Holmes
Oops...Freudian slip? xD
My thoughts exactly!
I can also use a 10key adding machine without looking. Took all sorts of business classes in high school. I think in this computer age touch typing ought to be required in school.
Sherlock Holmed
Haha nearly!!! Maybe it's just what I am....Sherlock Holmed???? ;)
Shermocj Holmes