It seems that when characters go through emotional turmoil that would take a long time to heal, that is done off-screen in Sherlock. We see it with John's mourning (two year has passed off-screen) and we see it with John and Mary (when John is ready to start forgiving her, several months have passed off-screen).
Just wanted to say that I had quite a scary dream about Mary last night - about her trying to kill me! She was tracking me down all over London and wherever I went, she would find me and burst in with a gun and start firing at me and I'd have to run out the back door and onto the streets and all through different buildings, up onto rooves and down staircases and stuff. Then I'd think that I'd lost her and go inside somewhere to relax and have a drink or something to eat, then she'd find me again. Eventually, I got shot in the leg and it made it even more difficult to run away, and I knew that she'd catch up with me in the end and finish me off.
Poor you. Watched HLV once too often, I suppose. Or you strongly identify with Sherlock.
Well, your nick is Sherlock Holmes, isn´t it? It´s natural she is after you.
Right, Boss, why don't you just be best friends with her?
*tries to remember where she got the sugar she put in the bosses coffee*
Blame it on an experiment, tonnaree.
You got her completely wrong, Boss. She only wanted to shoot you to save your life.
It was surgery!
Of course! I should have known...
It didn't look much like that with the crazed, psychopathic look she had on her face at all times.
I hope your next night will be better. Maybe you should watch a collection of the best Sherlock and John scenes as a precaution.
That's something one should do every evening anyway.
I hope the boss will take our advice to heart.
She doesn't want to go back to that life - that's probably the reason why she kept all her assassin equipment after getting married - ??
Well, she got the telegram at the wedding, so that would not have been the point where she would have got rid of it. I'd have expected her to get rid of it earlier if she was going to.
But I have to say, it does kind of make sense that she would try to protect herself (or possibly others - we don't know). I'm just not sure how she hid it all.
Well, it´s unusual for me to say something in favor of Mary but - if her former cronies from CIA and the assassin organisations are after her, then it would be logical for her to keep her equipment. It would come in handy if she would be forced to defend herself against them.... (too bad that she uses it only to shoot the friend onscreen).
I think Mary may love John, but that it is a possesive and unhealthy love.
tonnaree wrote:
I think Mary may love John, but that it is a possesive and unhealthy love.
Absolutely. I might even go as far as saying that she serves as some kind of ... reversed mirror for Sherlock, as his opposite.
Both love John, but where Mary's love is selfish, Sherlock's is selfless. Both shot someone.Sherlock shot Magnussen to protect John. Mary shot Sherlock to protect Mary. I am sure you can come up with more examples for how Mary and Sherlock are opposides while seeming to be so alike at first glance.
This is a clever device of story telling.
Sherlock lies to John (TRF) to protect him and shows himself in a negative light.
Mary lies to John to ensure his love for her and shows herself in a positive light.