Hello everyone!
So, I have to confess... For one of my classes (it's about online marketing/branding/communities), we had to choose an online community and observe it for two weeks. Being a Sherlock fan, I decided to find a Sherlock fan site. I stumbled across this one and have immensely enjoyed poking around the site and reading everyone's theories. The assignment is now over but this forum looked way too fun not to join! If you can forgive my secret stalking, I'm excited to join and nerd out on all things Sherlock with you. ;)
Have a great day, everybody!
Welcome secret stalker ^^
I hope your assignement went well and now enjoy the fun and sometimes the crazyness of the forum
It's nice you came out of the shadows - officially welcome!
Welcome, I hope you will have fun over here.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm sure we have a lot of stalkers here...welcome to the light-side.
Of course - welcome and enjoy!
Concidering that the madness of this place didn't manage to put you off in those two weeks I conclude you are as nuts as the rest of us. So officially welcome to .