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February 12, 2014 11:30 pm  #41

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

Tinks wrote:

You could be onto something lil, but I really, really don't want Sherlock to be the cause of the Watson's break up, or Mary's death.
I think there's been enough guilt and repentance from him in season 3, I'd really like John to decide for himself to end it, if that's what's going to happen.

Yes completely agree.
I don't want Sherlock involved in Marys exit in any way.
Neither deducing something , or being saved.
John decides..or something random like a house dropping from the sky on her.

Last edited by lil (February 13, 2014 8:38 am)


February 13, 2014 6:41 am  #42

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

I suppose that would be canonical(the Sherlock not being involved part!)...but I somehow feel Sherlock may get save John, if nothing else.


February 13, 2014 10:00 am  #43

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

I was initially expecting something (tragic) to happen to prevent the baby appearing on screen, but on reflection I can see Moftiss rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of seeing what Sherlock would be like with a baby, so maybe it will happen.


February 13, 2014 12:04 pm  #44

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

Again, this is something that I hope doesn't happen.
Firstly because Watson didn't have children but also I think two men, a lady and a baby becomes a bit too much of a farce.
And yet I think one more tragedy for John would also be a step too far - goodness knows where they'll take this, really.

"And in the end,
The Love you take
Is equal to the Love you make"
                                             The Beatles

February 17, 2014 2:27 am  #45

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

I wonder if "the other one" is a twin to Sherlock...who will turn out to be the one who really went to Appeldore and shot Magnussen. Because, forget the survival of are they going to pull Sherlock out of this one? Or Mary?


February 17, 2014 2:33 am  #46

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

Clancy wrote:

I was initially expecting something (tragic) to happen to prevent the baby appearing on screen, but on reflection I can see Moftiss rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of seeing what Sherlock would be like with a baby, so maybe it will happen.

Surprisingly, Sherlock seems to do ok around kids. (Remember Archie.) I say "surprisingly," because it doesn't go with his general attitude toward relationships, but on the other hand, being a little child-like yourself helps you relate to kids.

And maybe part of his motivation for his actions in HLV is that he cares about protecting the child of his one true friend, in the same way that he would care about protecting that friend himself.


February 17, 2014 2:40 am  #47

Re: Suspicious scenes from season 3.

besleybean wrote:

I suppose that would be canonical(the Sherlock not being involved part!)...but I somehow feel Sherlock may get save John, if nothing else.

I actually almost wonder if he WAS involved in canon...her death comes across as very convenient.

There could be a need for her to go into some kind of hiding, akin to witness protection, and John could have the option of going with her but choose to stay with Sherlock?

The most tidy ending to HLV would have been for MARY to be the one to shoot CAM and either get killed in the process or take the punishment...but that would be too easy for these writers.

I wonder if the MPs will end up just letting Sherlock off the be honest, even though treating the killing of CAM as a crime was morally correct, I was surprised by that, given how many people wanted to be free of that guy. And if Moriarty and CAM were associated in some way, than CAM was associated with someone who strapped bombs to people...

Someone made a joke in another thread about Sherlock and John being "basically robots," and I suddenly thought, hey, what if what Sherlock shot was a robot (that actually stored data?)

And I read someone else's prediction that someone else actually shot CAM at the same time (Lord Smallwood? Having faked his suicide?)

I also have the idea that it could turn out Mary was never an assassin - either a phony background was planted by Mycroft and/or Sherlock for some reason, or she's indeed in hiding and living under a false identity because she was targeted by assassins, or the mob, in some way, or even because her family ARE those people. Which would make her still guilty of lying to John about her past, and mean that there was real danger to her...but that doesn't get me around her shooting Sherlock (which is more of a problem for the character, in the sense of what makes her a bad guy, than the background) unless one of her family was a sister looking just like her.


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