Hi I'm new here and I'm from Sweden! Visit my tumblr- sara-cumbercookie-of-mischief ;)!!
Welcome to the forum, Sara. Nice to have you here.
There is one thing you should know about this forum: We agreed to keep the forum as spoiler free as possible. That means, if you want to post pictures or comments based on series 3, please only do so in the threads that already have a spoiler warning, or attach such a warning if you open a new thread about it. Thank you for keeping that in mind, it's only for a few more days now.
Well its hard for me who is from Sweden to get anny spoilers but thanx for reminding me that the spoilers are taged
Do you already know when the first episode of the new series will be aired in Sweden? Or will you be able to watch it on Wednesday?
Hi, welcome, Sara!
Hello.I'm from Brazil, and I'm new at all of that.
Welcome, lilly83. Nice to have you around.
Why don't you open your own welcome thread and tell us something about you?