Hi everybody!
Thought to register here to get some contact to other like-minded people. My family and friends can't really understand my passion for Sherlock and Benedict Cumberbatch. But thank god... we have the internet.
Of course Sherlock isn't new for me. I watched season 1 and 2 when they were broadcasted on German TV. But back then I just thought... yeah nice... entertaining. It was the same with "Star Trek - Into darkness". I'm a loose fan of the whole Star Trek stuff and watched the film at the cinema because this kind of films simply are amazing on a big screen. I'm not sure if I even was aware of the fact that Mr. Cumberbatch played the baddie. lol
But all changed after my last visit to London in October. My friend and me decided to watch "The Fifth Estate" at cinema and that was the first time I heard Benedict's original voice. It must have been this. Because... I knew several actors who I find more handsome. But in London I bought the Sherlock DVDs. And are watching them again and again and again now. I also started to be interested in the other works of Benedict. I'm facinated by him and can't tell why... exactly.
Hope you can help me to figure that out.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by gently69 (November 19, 2013 8:16 am)
Willkommen! Hello and welcome to the forum! You have made a wise decision to join us here.
Hopefully. We will see. At the moment this forum ist the only contact point for my... spleen.
Helo and welcome to the forum
Hi, warm welcome, and enjoy!
Welcome, gently. I had the same experience. I watched series 1 on German TV and thought it was quite good but not more. Then I bought the DVDs before series 2 was aired, heard the voice and the brilliant dialogues and … well, look at me now.
Welcome from me too, gently!
And same here, it was his voice that changed everything for me. You just can't resist it, can you?
Have fun here!
Oh, and when it comes to the question why you are so fascinated by Benedict: we occasionally talk about 'the whole package' here... I'm sure you'll figure out what that means...
Last edited by SolarSystem (November 18, 2013 1:21 pm)
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Make yourself at home. I'm sure you will have a nice time here - just check out some of the interesting discussions, it's usually very entertaining.
Greetings from NRW,
Many, many thanks for the warm welcome. I think I gonna like it here.
I love that sig quote!
Do you mean mine? Yeah I always have a smile on my face if I watch, hear or read that.
Last edited by gently69 (November 19, 2013 8:11 am)
...and it's great, because Lestrade's least irritating officer obviously is Lestrade himself.
SolarSystem wrote:
...and it's great, because Lestrade's least irritating officer obviously is Lestrade himself.
Oh yes, you are absolutely right. Haven't seen it this way so far.
Welcome, gently. I'm sure that joining the forum was just the right thing to do.
Hi and welcome.
A very warm and fuzzy welcome, Gently!
Last edited by Mattlocked (July 29, 2014 1:34 pm)
Now; Mattlocked, really now???
After thousands of posts???
Fiiine.... I cancelled it.
Bronte89 wrote:
Hi and welcome.
Sorry ... but I am here since November last year already.
Damn. I already welcomed you.