I am a Canadian Sherlockian fan, brand new to the boards. I love both the ACD and BBC One version of Sherlock - almost to an 'obsessed' level.
Amusingly enough, although my interest in the characters is relatively recent (sadly I wasn't one of those kids who read all the books while young), I realized (after having the series recommended to me by a friend) that I could relate quite a bit with some of the characters, and found the show refreshing because of the differences/ quirks that the writers include for their characters.
(For example, I kickbox, play the violin, identify as asexual, and score borderline for aspergers - so some of the comments and ideas circulating around the board really hit home).
What else? Umm, I'm female, a runner, a huge animal lover (I particularly like pet rats - and have had 6 girls - but all animals are awesome to me), and I adore Max Richter's music. My other show fandoms right now are The Mentalist, Hannibal, Star Trek Voyager (yes, I know it's old. Doesn't stop me from watching it and pretending it's 1995), Being Human (UK), and American Horror Story.
I live in the prairies, in Winnipeg (which Winnie the Pooh was named after - not that anyone probably cares XD - hey, it may be on Jeopardy! one day) - which means it gets exceedingly cold in winter (think minus 45 degrees celsius with windchill and hor frost) and so to get through the long cold months, I probably end up reading too much fanfic and watching too many shows on Project Free TV. I am also a first generation Canadian (my mum was born in England, my Dad in Germany) and as much as I love Canada - I'd absolutely love to visit London! (But I guess we are all in that boat here. (must. stop. self. from. adding. eh?).
I'm going to shut up now Just wanted to say hi!
Welcome, Manticone.
Another female kickboxer, how nice! (Though I'm not allowed to at the moment because of my pregnancy.) I also loved Voyager for many, many years and am still wondering why they came up with this Seven/Chakotay thing in the end ...
Nice to have you around!!
Hi, welcome and enjoy!
Hi, Manticone! Make yourself comfortable here with your violin. Glad you could join us.
Schmiezi wrote:
Welcome, Manticone.
Another female kickboxer, how nice! (Though I'm not allowed to at the moment because of my pregnancy.) I also loved Voyager for many, many years and am still wondering why they came up with this Seven/Chakotay thing in the end ...
Nice to have you around!!
Yes...the Seven/Chakotay thing seemed...rather sudden. My favourite character was possibly B'elanna. My mum loved Chakotay. We both liked Janeway. (I'd ship Janeway with Chakotay if I had my way ;))
I am one of those people who tends to get injured too much to really be in kickboxing. I am at intermediate level but recently had to stop due to a knee ligament tear (oops). So running is out of the question for awhile, too. I think my family is relieved (at maybe 5 ft 2 and hovering 100 lbs, I tend to get smacked around a lot by many of the other kickboxers). I do love it though. It's so much more intense than anything else I've done before. Thanks for the welcome!
tobeornot221b wrote:
Hi, Manticone! Make yourself comfortable here with your violin. Glad you could join us.
Harriet and tobeornot221be (that's so cute!) - thank you both
A warm welcome from me, too, Manticone! I'm sure you'll have a great time here!
Just recently I watched Deep Space Nine again and I intend to watch Voyager again, soon. I remember watching all seven seasons in a relatively short amount of time with my flatmate when I was at university. So it's about time again.
SolarSystem wrote:
A warm welcome from me, too, Manticone! I'm sure you'll have a great time here!
Just recently I watched Deep Space Nine again and I intend to watch Voyager again, soon. I remember watching all seven seasons in a relatively short amount of time with my flatmate when I was at university. So it's about time again.
Hi SolarSystem! Thank you for the welcome.
Can you believe I've never seen Deep Space Nine? (Bad, right?) I've seen Voyager, and The Next Generation and maybe a few minutes of The Original Series (something to do with tribbles).
I don't know what that says about me, actually. ;) I'm going to add DS9 to my 'give this show a chance!' list Ta!
Schmiezi wrote:
Welcome, Manticone.
Another female kickboxer, how nice! (Though I'm not allowed to at the moment because of my pregnancy.) I also loved Voyager for many, many years and am still wondering why they came up with this Seven/Chakotay thing in the end ...
Nice to have you around!!
I also did not mention...congratulations! Sometimes I have fandom-on-the-brain syndrome. I blame my at times mindless rudeness (well, it could look like rudeness) on that.
So congrats again! You must be very excited!
Manticone wrote:
Schmiezi wrote:
Welcome, Manticone.
Another female kickboxer, how nice! (Though I'm not allowed to at the moment because of my pregnancy.) I also loved Voyager for many, many years and am still wondering why they came up with this Seven/Chakotay thing in the end ...
Nice to have you around!!I also did not mention...congratulations! Sometimes I have fandom-on-the-brain syndrome. I blame my at times mindless rudeness (well, it could look like rudeness) on that.
So congrats again! You must be very excited!
LOL, never mind. And thank you.
I used to ship Janeway and Chakotay, too (even though I did not know that verb back then). I think today I would rather ship Janeway/Seven. Love B'Elanna.
Last edited by Schmiezi (October 3, 2013 10:40 am)
Manticone wrote:
Hi SolarSystem! Thank you for the welcome.
Can you believe I've never seen Deep Space Nine? (Bad, right?) I've seen Voyager, and The Next Generation and maybe a few minutes of The Original Series (something to do with tribbles).
I don't know what that says about me, actually. ;) I'm going to add DS9 to my 'give this show a chance!' list Ta!
You should definitely give DS9 a try, although I know a lot of people who don't really like it all that much. It takes at least one season to accelerate, probably even more. It gets quite political at some point, I like that very much. The character development is just great.
TOS really isn't my cup of tea, but apart from that I really enjoy all of Star Trek, even Enterprise.
And when it comes to Voyager, I actually liked B'Elanna and Tom very much together.
Last edited by SolarSystem (October 3, 2013 10:42 am)
Now I want to rewatch Voyager looking at it from a Janeway/ Seven ship point of view ;) Maybe I should keep a mental checklist (or dang it - a real one?) to help hone my observation skills?
SolarSystem wrote:
Manticone wrote:
Hi SolarSystem! Thank you for the welcome.
Can you believe I've never seen Deep Space Nine? (Bad, right?) I've seen Voyager, and The Next Generation and maybe a few minutes of The Original Series (something to do with tribbles).
I don't know what that says about me, actually. ;) I'm going to add DS9 to my 'give this show a chance!' list Ta!You should definitely give DS9 a try, although I know a lot of people who don't really like it all that much. It takes at least one season to accelerate, probably even more. It gets quite political at some point, I like that very much. The character development is just great.
TOS really isn't my cup of tea, but apart from that I really enjoy all of Star Trek, even Enterprise.
Ahhh - Enterprise. Yes. Another one I haven't watched.
I'm awful.
I promise to give DS9 a shot though Thanks for the reccie!
Try DS9 before Enterprise.
Oh no, come on, you're not awful! It's all fine! And it'sprobably just me, but for me the third season of Enterprise is the best season of Star Trek ever. But I guess I'm pretty much alone with that opinion.
There are so many shows out there I'd be really interested in, but I just don't seem to have enough time. For example Hannibal, you mentioned that one. So I suppose you would recommend it, right?
Hello! nice to meet you!
Welcome, Manticone!
Interesting introduction. I identify as asexual as well, or something like that, it's complicated, but anyway it's kind of nice to see another person with this orientation on the forum. Never let it be said that we don't exist. Have fun!
Welcome, Manticone, interesting introduction. Have fun.
Hi, Manticone, I hope you spend a nice time on the forum
I also did read the books quite recently like a few months ago, but better later than never, after all! And I agree it's nice when we find a resemblance between us and the characters, it kinda makes us like them more ;)
SolarSystem wrote:
Oh no, come on, you're not awful! It's all fine! And it'sprobably just me, but for me the third season of Enterprise is the best season of Star Trek ever. But I guess I'm pretty much alone with that opinion.
There are so many shows out there I'd be really interested in, but I just don't seem to have enough time. For example Hannibal, you mentioned that one. So I suppose you would recommend it, right?
I like aspects of Hannibal. Not the gore. I like the psychological back and forth between Will and Hannibal. It's rather gorey for a person like me who doesn't like gore! But the psychological tension is really intense I watch it for that!