I don't like the word much either! But I don't know if we've got a better word for it? Romantic friendship? Platonic love?
SusiGo wrote:
Thank you, Jude.
Yes, indeed.
And as this thread is about Johnlock in all adaptations I would like to mention that the Ritchie films are not as subtle as "Sherlock" but have some really nice scenes. Holmes asleep against Watson's shoulder. Holmes trying to keep him from marrying. Holmes in drags pulling Watson down to the floor of a train carriage. Holmes secretly leaving Watson's wedding (yes!!). And last not least the one in which we see Holmes and Watson dance with each other in public.
I still haven't seen the films, sitting on my shelf. Though I also haven't watched my Elementary DVDs either...
But anyway and I'm sorry, this is just how my brain works,
Can it even be Johnlock, if the characters call each other Holmes and Watson?!
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
In Canon
In Guy Ritche
In any other adaptations.
DIscuss, debate, support, refute Johnlock in all its forms. Have fun.
I was just quoting the boss.
Last edited by SusiGo (October 20, 2014 6:36 pm)
Schmiezi wrote:
But would you really use "romance" in the same way as "bromance"? It's too broad. (And bromance is a bit of a jokey term - I don't think anybody actually uses it seriously. But it does highlight the lack of a word to describe that special relationship, between people of any sex).
But again, that could be any old friendship, not necessarily a romantic friendship.
I am very old school, I guess. For me, it's romance or friendship. I one needs more than one word to explain it, then please, just use more words to explain it.
Last edited by Schmiezi (October 20, 2014 7:12 pm)
Schmiezi wrote:
I am very old school, I guess. For me, it's romance or friendship. I one needs more than one word to explain it, then please, just use more words to explain it.
I think this is very wise Schmiezi.
I don't know what school it makes me, but I find it difficult to consider romance without sex...or at least being married to and having sex with soembody else...other than the one you are in a romance with!
Last edited by besleybean (October 20, 2014 7:16 pm)
I'm happy to use more than one word, but it's still difficult to be clear - I've often used "romantic friendship", but I realise that means different things to different people, whereas "bromance" is clearer in its meaning.
I don't include sex in romance ... but I suppose that's just down to semantics. I could feel romantic about a friend, with no sexual attraction whatsover, but I don't think I would call my relationship with that friend a romance. (Or a bromance!). I also see Sherlock as a romantic hero (which is not about sex at all). So it's a very broad word for me, which covers more than sexual relationships.
Last edited by Liberty (October 20, 2014 7:36 pm)
@bb: Oh, but there are asexual people who do get romantically attracted and form romantic relationships, you know. You don't want to exclude them?
Last edited by Harriet (October 20, 2014 7:55 pm)
I'm not excluding anybody.
But at least one person in the Johnlock scenario is very obviously not asexual.
I thought the Elle Sherlock and sex interview segment might be relevant here. What do you think? It's very playful, but I do think it gives away something about how Benedict sees the character. He's quite unambiguous about the sex of the person Sherlock would (if he ever did, which he won't) have sex with: I’d know exactly how to please a woman. And I feel that the rest of it is about sex with a woman rather than a man, even when he says "person".
I don't think that's any news. I think other things he's said in the past have implied that he thinks of Sherlock as straight. And I know that's just what he believes, his interpretation and back story, but not necessarily what's being shown in the writing and cinematography. However, I think it might help explain why some of us see sexual chemistry with Irene, but not with John.the use of the word tongue rather than mouth, to be blunt
Last edited by Liberty (October 30, 2014 6:20 pm)
Somebody here linked to a off-forum post about the scene where John sees Janine at 221B. It had quite a lot of detail about the cinematography and screencaps, and unfortunately, I know can't find it! But here's one that is saying something similar - that John is jealous (i.e. that he's attracted to Sherlock and is jealous because he's seeing Janine, not that he's attracted to Janine).
Anyway, there was an interesting little bit about that in the commentary (I was going to use spoiler tags, but it's hardly a spoiler, so I won't - just don't read on if you haven't got the commentary yet and want it to be a surprise! And I wrote it down without saying who was saying what, so I might have got that wrong. And there was a lot more being said - these are just a few lines I've picked out).
(General laughter)
Mark: He just can't believe it! But he is actually pleased for him.
Steven: I remember the very first cut of this made him look as if he was jealous. (Laughs) No, no, no, he's THRILLED, but a little bit "What? Out of nowhere you've got the really hot girl from the wedding! Out of nowhere!".
and later...
Mark: Again, the little romantic part of me wants it to be true. Wouldn't it be nice? Wouldn't he be a happier man if he just had a nice girlfriend?
I think we all got it wrong - although I don't see sexual jealousy, I thought there might be an element of John feeling displaced by Janine at 221B. In fact, what we're seeing is something much more loving about their relationship. John is just happy for Sherlock (and impressed, because Janine's so gorgeous!). And watching it again, I can see that and it's rather sweet (and makes me warm to John - that despite so often being kept in the dark, as he is here, he feels this really genuine pleasure that Sherlock might have found something that makes him happy).
And interesting that in the first take they DID see jealousy - at least, I found it interesting that they could plan to show one thing and inadvertently show another and have to reshoot. It shows how easy it is to misinterpret, even with a brilliant team.
Anyway, I thought of putting it in the Janine thread, but it's probably best here, considering that it's confirmed that a "girlfriend" is what Mark and John think would make Sherlock happy.
Last edited by Liberty (November 2, 2014 9:03 am)
Liberty wrote:
Mark: Again, the little romantic part of me wants it to be true. Wouldn't it be nice? Wouldn't he be a happier man if he just had a nice girlfriend?
Anyway, I thought of putting it in the Janine thread, but it's probably best here, considering that it's confirmed that a "girlfriend" is what Mark and John think would make Sherlock happy.
Well, but that's the question, isn't it? The question even Mark is asking instead of answering, if your transcript is correct (I haven't got the special edition yet, so I can't check for myself).
Mark isn't saying that Sherlock would be a happier man with a nice girlfriend on his side, he is asking the question, and there seems to be doubt on his mind. He says that 'the little romantic part of me wants it to be true', but he's obviously not convinced, right? And why isn't he convinced...? I think that is the question that needs to be answered.
Apart from that, I'm getting back to something we've been talking about over and over and over again, What I see when I watch the show is not neccessarily what Mofftiss intended. So in this particular scene I do in fact see a jealous John, at least to some extent. If that wasn't what was intended by the team - so be it. But I can't change what I see on screen. Maybe they need to be more explicit and direct, but wouldn't that be boring? I really love the fact that every member of the audience sees something a little different when waching the show... but like I said, we've been over this again and again.
My transcript may well not be correct (I did check Arianne de Vere, but she hasn't had a lot of time to get one up yet!). But the gist of it and the tone of voice - no, it didn't come across as Mark not being convinced about Sherlock's sexuality. It comes across more like a rhetorical question. What the romantic part wanted to be true was that Sherlock was dating Janine (rather than using her to get to Magnusson). You'll hear what I mean when you get the DVDs!
But the main thing that came across for me was John's genuine delight at Sherlock having a girlfriend. He just wants him to be happy .
There's more than that - apparently the last scene with Janine was going to have a nicer ending, with it being implied that Sherlock would go and live with her in the cottage in the end. But it was changed, because it let Sherlock off the hook.
But I agree about everybody seeing something different. As I said, I think I was seeing something that wasn't there too. I just thought it was interesting that they'd shown jealousy by accident, and then deliberately reshot the scene to NOT show jealousy (the post I'd read originally seemed to be saying that the scene was deliberately shot to show jealousy, when, in fact, it's the opposite!).
Interesting discussion and possibly we all have to occasionally face uncomfortable truths.
Then again, background information may sometimes be helpful.
Steven thinks Sherlock is attracted to women, simple as that. He thought that with Irene and possibly he thinks that with Janine. I disagree with him, but BBC Sherlock is his vistion and not mine. I both recognise and accept that. He darn well knows the Canon better than I do.
Anyhow. Mark has said in interview he considers Mycroft to be gay. So maybe for balance, he accepts the straight version of Sherlock...wonder about the other brother?!
But I doubt we'll ever see Sherlock in a relationship anyway, so it doesn't matter.
The point remains: he murdered for John, he's done that for nobody else.
Last edited by besleybean (November 2, 2014 10:36 am)