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August 20, 2013 1:07 pm  #901

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

sj4iy wrote:

Be wrote:

I perfer John's short military hair style with almost no parted hair and of course without the moustache.
The parting on his left side with longer hair looks plain and a bit too ordinary. He is the husband now, obviously. He looks like that, having a wife, a house (possibly), a dog, a garden...
I want the John Watson back as seen in ASiP, please.

But he's supposed to be the ordinary one...Sherlock is the extraordinary one

Sure, you know what I mean. He is not Sherlock, but he likes adventures and danger in his life. He possibly wants to have both. Sherlock and danger together with Mary and a normal cosy lifestyle.


August 20, 2013 1:08 pm  #902

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

kittykat wrote:

SolarSystem wrote:

Don't you just love this? And don't you just want series 3 to start right now??

Nice, but that moustache...

This is a nice one! I have to admit the moustache takes a bit of getting used to, but it's not that bad after all, and I think it is first and foremost a nod to how John Watson is usually being portrayed in all of the other screen adaptions (with the exception of "Elementary", any others?). He won't be sporting it for long. I like his hair, though, it looks quite lovely

(And yeah, it is a moustache, and not any of the many weird misspellings of this word that have flooded the internet those past few weeks)


"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."

August 20, 2013 1:15 pm  #903

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Be wrote:

Respectable, yes.
Upright, conservative. Looking for a word to say= spießig, bieder. 
Well, it's not that bad, but it doesn't feel right. As if he chose to give up a part of himself in order to have the life with Mary. Maybe overthinking?

I actually don't think that you're overthinking, I find it quite plausible. After all, he didn't undergo such a change from series 1 to series 2, so I would think this is now also meant to tell us something about John's inner change. He certainly has changed, Sherlock's 'death' must have changed him, and I guess by his outer appearance they want to show the audience that as well. Which is fine, it's just not the John I'm used to.
It'll be interesting how they will bring this change across apart from moustache, hair and clothes. I'm sure Martin Freeman will get it across just fabulous.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


August 20, 2013 1:54 pm  #904

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I don't think drugs will even be an issue raised at all, to be honest. They've done that and moved on.

Also, I seriously doubt that Sherlock and John's relationship will be affected at the end of Series 3. That would basically just be repeating themselves. They've already had threats to their friendship and falling out badly (John punching/headbutting Sherlock and yes I'm allowed to mention that as this is the Spoiler thread), so there's no way they're going to do it again. Whatever happens at the end of this series will be heartbreaking and tragic, but I feel as though it will further cement their friendship rather than the other way around.

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

Independent OSAJ Affiliate


August 20, 2013 2:13 pm  #905

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Sherlock Holmes wrote:

Also, I seriously doubt that Sherlock and John's relationship will be affected at the end of Series 3. That would basically just be repeating themselves. They've already had threats to their friendship and falling out badly (John punching/headbutting Sherlock and yes I'm allowed to mention that as this is the Spoiler thread), so there's no way they're going to do it again. Whatever happens at the end of this series will be heartbreaking and tragic, but I feel as though it will further cement their friendship rather than the other way around.

Which would be just in line with the writers' wish of continuing this series for a while to come. You can't have a major fall out at the end of every season, that would actually be repeating themselves, and it would also contradict the general idea of the growing and intensifying friendship of Holmes and Watson over the years to come. You can only fall out with a friend so many times...


"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."

August 20, 2013 2:19 pm  #906

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Judging by the Best Man clip, I'd say that their friendship is going to be just fine from Series 3 Whatever happens will just make their friendship stronger. 


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 20, 2013 2:26 pm  #907

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

In the best man clip Sherlock seems not quite convinced that he is the best man/friend for John.

I don't know much about spoilers, but I am reading the annotated version of canon and some scholars think/imagine that Mary died while being pregnant or during delivery. This would fit to an actor cast for a surgeon.
Would be very sad. Would bring John back to Sherlock.
But there has to be a connection to the case/plot, too. Maybe Magnussen blackmailed Mary because of some unknown secrets concerning her father? Therefore too much excitement and uproar for her?

Sentimental fanfiction, isn't it?


August 20, 2013 3:19 pm  #908

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Sherlock Holmes wrote:

I don't think drugs will even be an issue raised at all, to be honest. They've done that and moved on.

Also, I seriously doubt that Sherlock and John's relationship will be affected at the end of Series 3. That would basically just be repeating themselves. They've already had threats to their friendship and falling out badly (John punching/headbutting Sherlock and yes I'm allowed to mention that as this is the Spoiler thread), so there's no way they're going to do it again. Whatever happens at the end of this series will be heartbreaking and tragic, but I feel as though it will further cement their friendship rather than the other way around.


__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

August 20, 2013 3:24 pm  #909

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Tricky thing, the ending of series 3.
Because if I keep in mind what was said at Comic Con about the fan's reaction to the end ("They wouldn't end it NOW!?"), I have to say I'd expect either Sherlock's or John's life in danger. I can only imagine a matter of life-or-death to affect me in such a way - but maybe they'll come up with something even bigger?
Because I also have to agree that they probably won't do something like this yet again - or would they? John's and Sherlock's lives were in danger at the end of series 1, and okay, at the end of series 2 we knew that Sherlock wasn't dead, but... we know that John doesn't know, so again death is the thing. Would they do it again? Could they come up with something new?

I don't think that Mary will be directly involved, I assume she will die in the course of part 3, but not at the very end of the episode. So that would leave Sherlock and John...

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


August 20, 2013 5:05 pm  #910

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Well, I doubt that Mary dying would cause me to react in such a way. Something that might happen following her death, maybe.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


August 20, 2013 7:36 pm  #911

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Sherlock Holmes wrote:

I don't think drugs will even be an issue raised at all, to be honest. They've done that and moved on.

Also, I seriously doubt that Sherlock and John's relationship will be affected at the end of Series 3. That would basically just be repeating themselves. They've already had threats to their friendship and falling out badly (John punching/headbutting Sherlock and yes I'm allowed to mention that as this is the Spoiler thread), so there's no way they're going to do it again. Whatever happens at the end of this series will be heartbreaking and tragic, but I feel as though it will further cement their friendship rather than the other way around.




August 20, 2013 10:05 pm  #912

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Mmmhh, there seems to be some flashbacks or memories of John of Afghanistan in episode 3:

I become more and more confused .


"There is a place for people like you, the desperate, the terrified. The ones with nowhere else to run."
"What place?"
"221B Baker Street."

August 20, 2013 10:45 pm  #913

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Maybe John has more nightmares?


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 20, 2013 11:13 pm  #914

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Maybe something happens that makes him think of that?

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

August 21, 2013 12:38 am  #915

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I would love to have flashbacks "pre-meeting" for both John and Sherlock.  I adore back story.

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I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

August 21, 2013 2:02 am  #916

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

kittykat wrote:

Maybe John has more nightmares?

Possibly , however it could also be some sort of flashback as well...intriguing. 



August 21, 2013 2:04 am  #917

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

tonnaree wrote:

I would love to have flashbacks "pre-meeting" for both John and Sherlock.  I adore back story.

That would be neat! 



August 21, 2013 5:23 am  #918

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Uuhh, interesting!  Back story would be great, especially if it comes into play because of something happening to John right now.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


August 21, 2013 5:40 am  #919

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Yes, otherwise I can't really see them randomly doing this now?!
I think they want to progress, not regress.


August 21, 2013 6:10 am  #920

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

besleybean wrote:

Yes, otherwise I can't really see them randomly doing this now?!
I think they want to progress, not regress.



"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."

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