Moffat DID say it was going to be equally if not more heartbreaking and frustrating as the ending of Reichenbach. The only thing I can think of that would do that is if something bad happened to John, and also if he was just left severely injured/dying and we didn't get that relief moment like in the graveyard where we see Sherlock alive.
I still think Mary will die too. I think Mary will die, and John will be left severely injured. WHY AM I EVEN SAYING THIS OH MY GOD
But hasn't Series 4 been confirmed? John can't die!
Sherlock would be lost without his blogger!
| hope you're right.
Fine. Now you have me crying.
News from Sherlockology: "In addition, we can reveal that filming on S3E3: His Last Vow is set to begin on Monday July 29 2013 [...] by the time The Reichenbach Fall is now due to air on Friday August 2 2013, filming on His Last Vow would already be well underway."
At least I got one thing right
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Moffat DID say it was going to be equally if not more heartbreaking and frustrating as the ending of Reichenbach. The only thing I can think of that would do that is if something bad happened to John, and also if he was just left severely injured/dying and we didn't get that relief moment like in the graveyard where we see Sherlock alive.
I still think Mary will die too. I think Mary will die, and John will be left severely injured. WHY AM I EVEN SAYING THIS OH MY GOD
Stop that, you're making me cry.
Can't wait for this, and for the next Hobbit film!
Hmm, well, I don't know about injuring John...(because of what happens in episode 1), but Mary's fair game.
Very pleasant!
Mary Me wrote:
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Moffat DID say it was going to be equally if not more heartbreaking and frustrating as the ending of Reichenbach. The only thing I can think of that would do that is if something bad happened to John, and also if he was just left severely injured/dying and we didn't get that relief moment like in the graveyard where we see Sherlock alive.
I still think Mary will die too. I think Mary will die, and John will be left severely injured. WHY AM I EVEN SAYING THIS OH MY GODStop that, you're making me cry.
I started crying when I read that the title is "His Last Vow"...I don't even know what it's refering to and I'm already in tears, mostly because I'm just picturing the worst possible outcomes of the end of the episode...I have a feeling something is going to happen to John
, and like you said Sherlock what would certainly make it worse is if we didn't get that moment of relief of seeing John ok like we did seeing Sherlock alive in the end though, they can't kill John, they just can't, Mary maybe, but not John...that would just be too cruel.
Last edited by SilverMoonDragonB (July 19, 2013 10:11 pm)
Of course they're not going to kill off John. That's not canon. I'm wondering if "His Last Vow" might have something to do with John's wedding. And if something happens to Mary (which is canon) soon after the wedding (which would be very dramatic), that could be John's last vow - as in marriage vow. Just much fun.....
KeepersPrice wrote:
Of course they're not going to kill off John. That's not canon. I'm wondering if "His Last Vow" might have something to do with John's wedding. And if something happens to Mary (which is canon) soon after the wedding (which would be very dramatic), that could be John's last vow - as in marriage vow. Just much fun.....
Oh I know they won't, that would just be beyond stupid on their part, didn't stop a momentary panic from setting in though...anyway, certainly "His Last Vow" would make sense in a way should Mary die (which again in a way would make sense since like you said she does die in the canon), however if we were to look at His Last Vow from a more Sherlock point of view...I wonder what it could mean? I'm still reflecting on it, partially because His Last Bow was indeed about Sherlocks "Last Bow" so if "His Last Vow" is somehow Sherlock related....hmmm...the speculation is unending
Last edited by SilverMoonDragonB (July 20, 2013 2:09 am)
Not sure what's going on with time zones and stuff but Sherlockology has already posted the title.
No becaise 2 big fall outs and makes ups won't cut it.
Swanpride wrote:
Ha! I love being right!
I think the series will end with John deciding that he won't help Sherlock anymore and instead be true to his wedding vows and stay with Mary.
But maybe it's just the other way round. Because I think that this sounds kind of soap opera.
Though, when Moffat speaks of 'the worst cliffhanger ever'........
I don't think there will be a break up between the boys, that will have already happened in ep 1 and been resolved.
But something may hapepn to one of them that changes their relationship for ever.
KeepersPrice wrote:
Of course they're not going to kill off John. That's not canon. I'm wondering if "His Last Vow" might have something to do with John's wedding. And if something happens to Mary (which is canon) soon after the wedding (which would be very dramatic), that could be John's last vow - as in marriage vow. Just much fun.....
Definitely agree, considering when they say super-scary-cliffhanger, since we've already had Sherlock's canon fake death, they'll probably follow suite with Mary, in a way that breaks our hearts again after causing us to like her role in the partnership of all of them. Either that, or we're still not counting on the original 'teaser word' -and- the title both seeming to be a reference to using some story from the 'His Last Bow' collection.
I agree with besley, though.... they would have already tackled the shake-up between the boys in the first ep and moved on. John choosing his vow to Mary over all else (that is, still speculating that all the hints indicate her, of course!), on the other hand, leading to some other startling shift... hrrmmmm. Or the "his" could be neither one of them. Or... . . .oh crap. You guys are probably going to hate me saying this, after getting teary speculating about possible threat of a death again, knowing the Sherlock team, but.... having those vow/wedding/what might happen to someone ideas swirling in my head suddenly made me recall that ever-classic vow that hits on all three of those points that no one's mentioned yet... 'til death do us part'. They wouldn't be so mean to take that literally, mm?
Yeah, I like the idea that John will have to choose between Sherlock or Mary, but in a more dramatic life threatening scenario. Like, a bad guy is forcing him to decide which one to kill.
You really do have too much of the psychopath about you, my dear!
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Yeah, I like the idea that John will have to choose between Sherlock or Mary, but in a more dramatic life threatening scenario. Like, a bad guy is forcing him to decide which one to kill.
Oh dear, that reminds me of the show "24", which I used to watch a lot... decision like that seemed to be a kind of standard plot device there evil script writers all over the place.