Thanks everybody for posting the clue here! Sounds like you guys had fun watching it
So I'm quite sure the title's going to be some variation of His Last Bow.
BUT, I'm not really worried that it might be the last season of Sherlock... Moffat definitely stated that there's going to be a cliffhanger at the end of episode 3 - it doesn't make sense to have a cliffhanger without a subsequent episode to show the solution.
Also, even if series 4 hasn't been officially confirmed yet: if Benedict said he wants to continue the show, why in the world would Moftiss end it? They enjoy it far too much and they're immensely succesful with it. They already know that fans will stick to the show, even it they have to wait forever in between seasons *sigh*
And, they the kings of evil fan teasing - they absolutely know that we're all gonna be worrying like crazy after a title like that so I refuse to worry, hehe.
Some people are thinking: His Last Blog?
Could something be happening to John?!
Oh dear, that would certainly mirror the series 2 cliffhanger quite 'nicely'...
Someone was asking for pics how the clues appeared on the screen. Here you are:
Thanks for posting.,
I tried last night and failed...such a Luddite!
OOOH, His Last Blog is a great idea.
sj4iy wrote:
kittykat wrote:
sj4iy wrote:
What spoilers? I don't think there are any for episode 3 yet.There are spoilers out there on the internet...
For episode 3? How? They don't even start filming episode 3 until August.
Feel free to post any ideas for the end of Ep 3 right here:
besleybean wrote:
Some people are thinking: His Last Blog?
Could something be happening to John?!
Ah, that would be interesting...and certainly in keeping with that they've said about the ending of season 3, I'm all nervous about that ...The Reichenbach Fall was legendary for all the emotions it provoked, there are very few things I can imagine being worse than that, something happening to John is one of them...maybe it'll be a Three Garrideb situation? Except maybe we won't know it was only minor wound...they just can't kill off John, they can't, and they just couldn't leave us hanging with something like an injured John (meaning there would have to be a season 4) that...THAT would be evil!
At this point, something happening to John at the end of season 3 feels very likely, as I said, very few things (from my pov) could compete with the emotional upheavel of the end of season 2.
Last edited by SilverMoonDragonB (July 13, 2013 12:25 pm)
All I know is what I've read from set reports from people who were present during filming. I don't know which episodes they're from, but I know what I've read.
kittykat wrote:
All I know is what I've read from set reports from people who were present during filming. I don't know which episodes they're from, but I know what I've read.
Okay, then those would be episodes 1 and 2. They won't start shooting episode 3 until next month. Unless they have a TARDIS ;)
Boss, I love how the new forum part is His ... ...
Mattlocked wrote:
Someone was asking for pics how the clues appeared on the screen. Here you are:
Thanks for sharing the link, Mattlocked! I've been wondering too
I have an idea...maybe they got confused between Sherlock and the DW 50th anniversary special and the title is "His last bow tie"!
biscuitbear wrote:
I have an idea...maybe they got confused between Sherlock and the DW 50th anniversary special and the title is "His last bow tie"!
Man, now I'll cry even harder XD
It's Friday again, Hounds is on tonight!
But you will keep us in the loop, will you! Since many of us will not be able to watch it.
Get ready people! I'm really excited to find out whether it's 'last' as we expected, or some other word. Aksjakdas the countdown begins!! This time I'll remember to leave my subtitles on throughout the entire episode!
Mary Me wrote:
But you will keep us in the loop, will you!
Since many of us will not be able to watch it.
Oh, of course! We're all in this together