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June 30, 2013 8:10 am  #1

Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

Here I am, watching Reichenbach Falls (again) to torture myself, and discovered that he does indeed DIE in his purple shirt of sexy. I am now thoroughly depressed.
I recently saw a post asking why Sherlock is the way he is.
You know how he is with his "cheek bones and popping his collar up so he looks cool"?
I wonder if he started smoking because it "looks cool"...

Thoughts on why Sherlock is the way he is?

"You being all mysterious with your cheek bones and turning your collar up so you look cool..."
"I don't do that!"
"YEAH yuh do!"

June 30, 2013 9:22 am  #2

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

Sherlockspurpleshirt wrote:

Here I am, watching Reichenbach Falls (again) to torture myself, and discovered that he does indeed DIE in his purple shirt of sexy. I am now thoroughly depressed.
I recently saw a post asking why Sherlock is the way he is.
You know how he is with his "cheek bones and popping his collar up so he looks cool"?
I wonder if he started smoking because it "looks cool"...

Thoughts on why Sherlock is the way he is?

I doubt the smoking was anything to do with self image. I think it ties in with his addictive personality and his general misuse of substances to either stimulate or calm his mind. Obviously they allude to Sherlock's drug problem in the BBC version but they probably didn't want to have the entire series depicting a man who is hooked on cocaine/morphine (it's cannon but if I remember rightly he wasn't off his face on every other page.) So they picked up on the smoking instead. Now Holmes was always a big smoker and was depicted smoking more often in canon than he ever was shown to be using. I reckon the smoking started young for BBC Holmes though.


'Non Solum Ingenii Verum Etiam Virtutis'

June 30, 2013 9:29 am  #3

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

Maybe Mycroft started with the smoking and Sherlock copied it when they were young. And Mycroft still regrets it.

He’s got a dog. We go to the pub on weekends. I’ve met his mum and dad …

… and his friends and all his family and I’ve no idea why I’m telling you this.

June 30, 2013 9:47 am  #4

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

QuiteExtraordinary wrote:

Maybe Mycroft started with the smoking and Sherlock copied it when they were young. And Mycroft still regrets it.

Ah hah! Now that would be something. Poor Mycroft, he feels like he's to blame for everything Sherlock does.

Now... the coat... I reckon this *is* (at least partially) an image thing. He is aware of the impression he makes on other people. And the coat is just another way to portray that image. John calls him on it on THoB with him turning his coat collar up. Which ellicts a rather childish response from Sherlock.

The coat, visually, is like a superhero cape (superheroes being 'good' as well as 'great'.) And it is also thick, covering a large surface area of his body more like a kind of shield. His coat and his scarf are his uniform, his suit of armour against the world, and he knows it looks damn good when he turns the collar up.  Seeing as ACD's stories wouldn't have existed in this version of reality I reckon Sherlock was really into Batman as a child (I read somewhere about the creators and that Batman was influenced by Holmes and that the Joker was meant to be his Moriarty.) And also possibly a bit of a Trekkie (again THoB) I know the quote is a canon original but in this reality the books never existed so Sherlock is essentially quoting Spock (hence John's downright heartless teasing of him in that moment of utter weakness.)

Last edited by Mnemosyne (June 30, 2013 9:48 am)


'Non Solum Ingenii Verum Etiam Virtutis'

July 1, 2013 10:08 am  #5

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

I think the smoking could be seen as him wanting to look cool (although the Mycrof theory is BRILLIANT)
because in the books, he does have an addictive personality but the drugs he took caused a worse addiction than smoking.
Coke back in the day was "cool and popular" so he was doing what all the cool kids were doing. In this version hes smoking- which is now cool and popular and especially when he was growing up all the cool kids were doing it so.. maybe he got hooked. 

The jacket is DEFINITELY his "I'm a big intimidating monster RAWR" thing. or is that smaug?
I think maybe his big intimidating look is to either get people to take him seriously, a security blanket, or to ward off anyone that may want to be friends with him. 

But probably because it makes him look cool. ;)

"You being all mysterious with your cheek bones and turning your collar up so you look cool..."
"I don't do that!"
"YEAH yuh do!"
     Thread Starter

July 1, 2013 10:50 am  #6

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

When John talked about putting the coat collar up and Sherlock denied it: "I don't do that"
I hear Benedict talking. As if he tells us that it's the props people who dress him and turn the collar up to make him look cool.


July 5, 2013 8:00 am  #7

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

I think that smoking/nicotene patches gives him some sort of "high" when he is abesent on a case or when a solution is on the tip of his tongue.  It's like his stress reliever.  As for how it started, well a lot of people do try things out of curiousity maybe he was bored and thought....."OH let me try this thing people do." Though I think it would be hilarious if Mycroft was the reason, I mean he practically did say Mycroft acted like a mother



July 5, 2013 8:20 am  #8

Re: Sherlock and fashion... his fashion

I think he was a rebellious teacher and got hooked on smoking.  It's as mundane as that, everybody's story.


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