Saw footage of on location shooting on youtube for the new Sherlock series (no idea what the scene is); the wind was so loud, it's amazing the actors were able to hear each other at all. Those shoots will obviously be voice-over recorded. Does this happen with every scene? Or just some of the scenes? Like if they are filming an episode, do they have to act it out twice - second time with voice over. On the upside, they don't have to worry if they screw up their lines the first time coz they know their voice will be taped over again later.
Not most/all scenes no. Most are recoded on the spot and twiddled with, if need be, later. Part of the art of being a sound 'man' is the equipment they use to sut out extrinsic noise but also the work of the sound engineers later. Honestly, sometimes they do work miracles!
Even if they do have to voice over - they have to exactly match movement with sound - not easy, and it can't fix any goofs, as it would be obvious when the face/voice are out of sync.