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Oh, it also made me think of the scene in Hawking where he successfully chats up a young lady in a pub through sheer force of intellect; cosmology is the new sexy too.
But you know, then on the other hand the simple wooing etc he did in the original was deemed to be 'the wrong thing to do' in that day & age.
In this day & age sleeping with her may be closer to the equivalent amount of 'wrong' so he may have to go that far. As in the original, there would be no emotional attraction at all, it'd just be necessary detective work. Someone sleeping with a woman just for necessary detective work is pretty low, let's face it.
So yes, he will have to sleep with her and we shall be forced to watch those scenes in order to gain the necessary shock value intended in the original. We can justify these scenes by the simple phrase that has served us well thus far in this forum : " It's canon".
Really hope they don't take that route, methinks it would be unwise.
I don't know about any specific story, but of what I'm certain I would like to see on the coming season are the slow motion, sequenced movements and punches while he relates the damages and trauma that will cause when he gets realy furious on a fight.
I know it happens on the american version, but come on, can be done... think would be really Sherlock, because even though he is kind of thin guy he's a great fighter.
Nutek wrote:
I don't know about any specific story, but of what I'm certain I would like to see on the coming season are the slow motion, sequenced movements and punches while he relates the damages and trauma that will cause when he gets realy furious on a fight.
I know it happens on the american version, but come on, can be done... think would be really Sherlock, because even though he is kind of thin guy he's a great fighter.
How many of the original stories have you read? You won't find many 'action scenes' among them. Sherlock for the main part uses brains not brawn to solve cases.
We've had a scene where he assesses the possible 'kill points' on the CIA agent, honestly that is about as 'bloodied' as the fights are ever going to get.
For myself personally, if you have not gathered already, I will state it here clearly: I don't care how the Americans have butchered the Holmes & Watson stories, I wouldn't expect Moftiss to take up that mantle in any way shape or form in the future.
There are not action stories. If that's what you're looking for, you've watched the wrong shows.
I apologize my friend. I'm just a humble Sherlock fan looking for some action. And 'NOT', I've not been watching the wrong show, I know exactly what I want to watch.
But there never has been 'action' in the stories, why would they put that in now? There is no place for it.
You're talking about the movies right? I do like the movies but they are very un-canon....Sherlock Holmes is more about mystery, intrigue and intelligently working things out than blowing things up and fighting. It's not an action show...it's not James Bond
Just occasionally Sherlock Holmes will use his fists, Dr. Watson describes him as being a fine boxer. However he uses guile, deduction and intelligence to solve the mysteries not brawn.
I think some of the most adaptable are Silver Blaze, Charles Augustus Milverton, The Musgrave Ritual, and The Cardboard Box. Obviously, each would need to expand beyond its original scope, just as was done with A Study in Scarlet, but I can see the settings of each of these being brought to "re-life".
Davina wrote:
The Red-headed League. For no other reason than Ben and Mark really being red-heads, that and being surrounded by them at home.
I'm a redhead too (sultry vixen that I am) so I am all for that! Perhaps Holmes and Watson can investigate the disappearance of red headed women being used to procreate red headed children for a neo nazi terrorist a cult who worship the redheaded Greek rmythological demon Lamia.
M&G I am available for a walk on part.
I like it
Sentimental Pulse wrote:
Davina wrote:
The Red-headed League. For no other reason than Ben and Mark really being red-heads, that and being surrounded by them at home.
I'm a redhead too (sultry vixen that I am) so I am all for that!
Perhaps Holmes and Watson can investigate the disappearance of red headed women being used to procreate red headed children for a neo nazi terrorist a cult who worship the redheaded Greek rmythological demon Lamia.
M&G I am available for a walk on part.
I like it
Shameless self-promotion and sacrifice of your body, err, hair, for fame and recognition...
I can supply many extras for red-headed scenes.
Tantalus wrote:
Shameless self-promotion and sacrifice of your body, err, hair, for fame and recognition...
Guilty as charged. Fortunately Sherlock, and not the lady representing the Crown, is my barrister. As a backup I have Moriarty's room service video hooked up.
I opt for "The case of the dying detective". I would like to see Sherlock have a go at pretending to suffer from a rare and highly contagious Asian disease.
I think clearly the writing possibilities are endless for my favorite ACD story, "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton". In this, Sherlock actually gets engaged to a housemaid to get information. Can you imagine? In the Victorian Era, this would have involved lots of talk, walks, "Good heavens, those talks..." with someone of Holmes level in society. But can you imagine Sherlock in this situation in the era of sex on a first date? The comedic and dramatic possibilities, oh my. Plus we really get a very touching moment of Watson's loyalty to Holmes, and seeing that loyalty returned. If Gatiss and Moffatt are true Holmes geeks, they won't pass this one up or <in begging tone> "Please, don't pass this one up!"
An adaptation of The Sign of the Four or The Adventure of the Dancing Men or The Adventure of the Copper Beeches would be most appreciated. :D
I saw the Jeremy Brett version of The Musgrave Ritual a few days ago and really enjoyed it, I'm sure they could put parts of that to good use. Interestingly, Holmes seemed to be wearing a grey shock blanket through almost the entire episode.
Last edited by JaneCo (July 30, 2012 12:46 am)
I was thinking Musgrave Ritual driving this morning. Has real potential.
It'd be interesting to see if they'd bring in the rival detective that first appears in The Retired Colourman as a rival to replace Moriarty.
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