If you need a BC fix then you tube Jaguar advert and listen to Benedict's voiceover.
Oh my...
I couldn't stop laughing - at myself, sitting in front of the computer and grinning like an idiot while BC talks about torque, aluminium whatever, geometry and other things I'd never had the slightest interest in WITH THIS VOICE OF HIM .
I know! He makes it all sound so poetic and attractive...I too have absolutely not a clue what he is actually talking about! It it a good brand to be associated with though, although Aston Martin is even better.
And it is much sexier than insurances .
SusiGo wrote:
And it is much sexier than insurances
Just to think 'what can be sexy about the insurance?' But BC delivers that to everything. I think even if he advertises diapers I'll find it extremely sexy )))
You're absolutely right. But given the choice to hear him read the telephone directory and go on about a Jag's aluminium whatever or listening to him reading Kafka, Keats or The Little Red Hen … well, I don't have to think twice .
All I can say is Hand Porn
Oh Lord! More Jaguar adverts are on the TV.
Damn...I was really hoping this post was going to be about how Ben might be in the new Jaguar Superbowl ad.
I saw the first one with Ben Kingsley and Tom Hiddleston
Last edited by sirlockofthesher (January 31, 2014 12:29 am)
Ooo! Thanks for posting that...BC could have been in it after STiD. Still, there are 'compensations'.
Let's put it in here.
Lol!! I'd keep driving around in circles just to make him keep speaking to me:D
Imagine how amazing it would be if you could have him directing you home. It would be like he was coming back to your house with you!!!!
I knew, it was right that Jaguar is my secret dream car.
That just made me laugh… awesome, thanks. Um… maybe they shouldn't though, in case that Voice causes an accident.
Wow finally starting to see (hear) these ads in the U.S. Tonight during the
Colbert Report. Hugely distracting, and delightful. Instructed to
contact the fine folks @ Since the Voice tells me to, I
think I may just do that.
I just watched this one and I don't know if it's a good ad because if I was watching it on TV, I wouldn't be even sure what car he was driving. My thoughts were something like: voice voice voice oh he's driving voice voice voice hot hot who needs a fireplace when he's in the room voice voice smile! voice feel alive it's so good you're a part of this world, Ben!
I've never been a fan of cars but now I feel a need to watch (or just hear) Jaguar's adverts
gently69 wrote:
Let's put it in here.
They're probably right
If my GPS had Benedict's voice, I would never be able to leave my garage.
I'd be the same, although eventually I'd drive in weird ways just to hear him say certain things...
First of all, this would be my first clue to actually get myself a license to drive