Hello to anyone who is interested. I live in the US and found the show Sherlock on Netflix. I fell in love with it right away. I'm not surprised considering I am also a huge fan of Dr. Who and the writers are the same.
Series two left the viewer with a big fat puzzle to figure out. I like puzzles and I think I have got the whole thing pretty well pieced together as to how Sherlock survived, who helped him, and how there is irrefutable evidence that clears his besmirched name.
I wrote up a little story that puts all my theories to the test. Of course the writers will probably come up with something completely different, but I still think I am very close to the mark on most of the points. Maybe I'll post it in the fiction section of the forum. See if anyone else has the same thoughts.
Oh right, I'm supposed to introduce myself, sorry.
I'm Alice. I'm a 48(ish) mother of three children. Writing is a hobby of mine. I am a radiologic technologist by profession. I love British television, or at least the stuff that makes its way over here. I suppose the UK has crap TV as well as we do. In any case I had seen that Sherlock was on Netflix and was recommended to me by Netflix based on my interest in Dr. Who and Primeval. I actually didn't really have much interest at first (period stuff not being one of my interests) and ended up only watching it one evening when I was not feeling well and just wanted to veg out. I figured, what the heck lets see if this is any good. The first thing I liked is that it is set in modern London and not Victorian London. As I said I am not very interested in period stuff. I don't like American films that take place back in the "old days" either.
Within ten minutes I was laughing out loud and saying that this show is brilliant! I have now hooked my kids 7, 12 and 15 on the show as well as my parents. I have seen all 6 episodes and now wish I had waited before watching, because I am not good at waiting long periods of time for the next bit to come out. Oh well, no choice I suppose.
That is really why I ended up writing fan fiction stories. I have no sense of patience. I can not possibly wait for the authors or producers, or writers etc to give me the next installment so I write it myself.
Silly? Yeah probably, but what can I say it's a hobby that keeps me occupied and interested until such time as the producers grace us with another episode.
Alice I
Last edited by AliceI (February 6, 2013 5:16 pm)
Welcome, Alice! Glad to have another American on. What part of the country?
"48(ish)"--quite funny. I've never before considered the "ish"-ness of 48.
Do post your story. I know lots of people here, I included, would love to read it.
Have fun!
What a nice introduction - welcome here, Alice!
I am from (very chilly at the moment) upstate New York. I say ish with regard to my age because of something that happened last night actually. We are switching our life insurance policies and whe I was asked my age in years and months, the foolish program said I was incorrect about my age because of a variance of 1 day. So just to spite it I am now 48ish (thank you very much)
Seriously these insurance companies are just ridiculous.
I just went over to that section and saw that people were posting "links" to stories? I suppose I can do that. I do post stuff on a site called Fan Fiction dot net but I asumed that a forum of this style you would simply post the chapters right on the forum page. Is that incorrect?
Don't mind me if I seem a bit thick. It is past noon here and I haven't gone to bed yet. I work the night shift so this is like my 3 AM. LOL
Welcome, Alice, nice to have you here. And it's good to know you're writing fanfic. We usually post links and recommend and discuss things and so on. And we have a new thread for fanfic by forum members, so that would be the right place to tell about your stories. I'm looking forward to reading them.
I guess I should go take a peek. I have started posting my Sherlock fic on so I could just put a link up to point to it.
If there are folks who agree or disagree with my theories as to "who done it" or in this case "How'd they do it" then the discussion would be on the same thread the link is on?
I still have a few chapters to post on the other site. Should I just wait until it is completely posted to put up a link?
Hello Alice. Welcome to Wonderland! Put a link to your work on the fanfic by member thread.
Welcome Alice. Great group of people here. Happy posting and enjoy!
welcome, Alice!
Thank you everyone for such a lovely warm welcome. I really should be off to bed, but as I said I am just a little bit obsessed with this Sherlock thing.
I know if I try to sleep I won't be able to until I have finished writing the story. That's okay, there'll be time to sleep when I'm dead. LOL Who said that?
I actually have a question for anyone out there. Being from the US I naturally don't know all the British colloquialisms. I understand that a newspaper is sometimes called a daily but what would be the correct spelling of the plural? Dailys or Dailies? The other thing I wondered but didn't get an answer to from my other forum was this. Does the term fortnight still get used in Britain or is it just two weeks?
Fortnight is still used e.g. I'm on holiday for a fortnight. We would probably just say something like, 'In the papers' and people would probably assume we meant the daily papers.
Oh, we're all eager to read your fan fiction, aren't we?
Since there's a long period of time to fill in while waiting for season 3, we've got nothing better to do... just hanging around in this forum, sharing theories and whatsoever...^^
So, welcome anyway!
Have a nice time and enjoy yourself!
Hey Alice and welcome to the forum!
The only reason we generally post links instead of content when it comes to fan fiction is because quite a lot of them contain adult content, and we do have some younger members and although I'm sure they're not as innocent as they like to make out, we try and keep the forum relatively clean.
When I say "adult content" I'm mainly referring to Johnlock seeing as that features in A LOT of fics, but if it's not in yours then feel free to post the whole content if you would prefer that.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Hey Alice and welcome to the forum!
The only reason we generally post links instead of content when it comes to fan fiction is because quite a lot of them contain adult content, and we do have some younger members and although I'm sure they're not as innocent as they like to make out, we try and keep the forum relatively clean.
When I say "adult content" I'm mainly referring to Johnlock seeing as that features in A LOT of fics, but if it's not in yours then feel free to post the whole content if you would prefer that.
Thanks. I did post a link in the thread for fics from members. At the end of my story John gets a bit angry and uses some colorful language so I'll refrain from posting the full content.