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From this one, you will find a few other Moftiss ones. I figure not much point posting every video huh?
Last edited by kazza474 (March 10, 2012 5:55 am)
Nice interview!
Great interview! Just love it when the guys talk about their vision and love for Holmes.
Thank you for sharing this interview. I'm hearing impaired, and the captions on some of these clips are rubbish. Is it too much to ask for transcripts? If anyone has transcripts and would share them I would be very grateful. The interviews between Gatiss and Moffat are just wonderful. We can tell how much they have thought about this project. Great stuff.
Last edited by Arabella Trefoil (April 21, 2014 10:54 am)
Sorry, this isn't exactly related or helpful to your question (since I've often wanted the same myself), but I just couldn't help but want to extend a *hey! waves!* gesture at a fellow hearing-impaired fan. Ha, yes, the automated video captions occasionally suck, don't they? Seem to have a little trouble with our boys at times. ;) Especially frustrating with getting to enjoy random interviews/appearances filmed of the guys.
But there are some awesome people out there who write up the eps or official behind-the-scenes stuff… not sure if this one was ever included… comes to mind… she's amazing. Her page has commentaries and and some of the extras - I'm pretty sure this vid is one of them?
Thank you, Russell! This is exactly the resource I was looking for. You are most kind.
I love your avatar. Are you a bee keeper, or is the avatar a homage to Sherlock Holmes?
Aw, thank you! Her transcripts really are awesome - so nice of her. Just sympathized with the whole hearing thing and you reminded me of her blog (which was a huge help in happy discovery for the commentaries), couldn't recall if the dvd interview extras were included.
Ha, and funny you mention my avatar, too. I actually posted the whole little story here:
You might like the series, actually. Just the nicest little 'bee' image I could find to go along with the theme.... oh, a homage, certainly! Would likely be a little nervous being too close to a lot of bees! ;D It's funny, I set the whole thing up way back when, and haven't changed it since. I know some other users on here have stuck to certain avatars, and I'm probably not the only one who has gotten used to recognizing them (and myself) by their pic when quickly scrolling down! (you should put your own story over there!)
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