It's not a matter of taste - to me, pornography is not about being naked or being lustful or a love relationship, with many feminists I say that pornography is by definition about humiliation, stereotyping and violence. Else it's not pornography.
kgreen's answer didn't sound upset to me, I think she's just explaining her personal preferences. I'm curious though, kgreen, do you read Johnlock stories at all? If they only have fluff/romance or whatever, but no sex?
Harriet wrote:
What makes you so upset? It was just a kind question.
(Still, I believe there is a huge difference between pornography and erotic literature.)
I wasn't scolding you. I know you meant it as a decent question. With that said, I just won't read it. It has to be close friendship as it is in ACD canon, or I won't read it.
I won't read erotic fiction, either.
Last edited by kgreen20 (January 13, 2016 3:01 am)
ukaunz wrote:
kgreen's answer didn't sound upset to me, I think she's just explaining her personal preferences. I'm curious though, kgreen, do you read Johnlock stories at all? If they only have fluff/romance or whatever, but no sex?
No romance, no. Just straight ordinary close friendship, as it is in the ACD stories. Show me a friendship story, and I'll check it out if what I see interests me. Otherwise, I will not.
You've possibly heard of Owlcroft and Paula Douglas? They write great non-ship canon-compliant stories together. You could also try
Everyone has their own tastes. Your mileage may vary. To no one's surprise I fall in the pro-porn camp. Although even then I don't watch a lot of it and I'm very picky about what I like and what I find acceptable.
That said, I am also in the camp that draws a line between "porn" and erotic literature. Well done erotic work is art. Read Anais Nin. Read the erotic writings of Anne Rice. It takes talent to do it right and there are many many fan fic writers that come very near the quality of art.
As well as having no interest in porn, I also have none in any kind of erotica.
I don't mind porn, but I've always preferred erotica. Good erotica can flow like art.
The only thing I don't like is when it's smut just for the sake of smut...
I have written erotica for ages and I doubt I'm good at it... but usually I try to have a point with the smut...
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (January 13, 2016 7:55 am)
Mod's note:
We should return to the subject since I feel that we have digressed. In this thread forum members can present their own fanfics. The place to discuss general questions like preferences, dislikes, etc. is here:
Thank you all.
Sorry. :-)
No problem.
*bad tonnaree*
Setting an example...tee hee.
ukaunz wrote:
You've possibly heard of Owlcroft and Paula Douglas? They write great non-ship canon-compliant stories together. You could also try
Send me Owlcroft and Paula Douglas's link, and I'll check it out. I've come across the AO3's collection--thanks!
I can't sleep... so I decided on splitting up this fic into 3 parts and post the one tonight.
It's my first venture into Johnlock terretory and I do also warn that it is a sickfic.
"Abstinence Is Not Immortality"
AO3 ,FanFiction.Net
I'll check that out tonight!
I just posted the 2nd chapter... and so far extended it to 4 chapters in total.
Hello, do any Brits on the board want to do a quick Britpick for me? My story is about 6,300 words.
(I just read a great Britpicking article, but I'd still like to make sure I've got everything right)
Last edited by ukaunz (January 28, 2016 8:57 am)
I would never presume to be able to help on Britpicking, but I'll have a closer look on your punctuation later in the afternoon
Oh okay, I'll send you the latest draft (there have been changes!) Thanks Lily