Wow. That looks fabulous.
SusiGo wrote:
Mark Gatiss @Markgatiss 58m
Last day on block 2 of #Sherlock. It's been a blast as ever! Episode 3 begins shooting later in the summer.
Wow! That's an AWESOME pic!
@Russell. Hehe xD, I thought something similar when I saw that! Fabulous *is a trekkie*
wonderful. envy John again.
Seriously.... fabulous. (man, I love great candid pic like that.... I even found myself squinting, trying to see if Ben was being sherlocky-serious or giving us a smile) ;D
So good to see him back home at 221B where he belongs.
I remember saying that about Martin when he returned form hobbiting...course I'll be saying that again soon!
Last edited by besleybean (May 24, 2013 3:39 pm)
What do you think is going on? Who's flat will it be?
Will we see John's flat? Does that mean that he is now married and lives with Mary?
Or Molly's flat?
If they go to the trouble to build a set and not just film in a real one that means that they will use it quite often.
I am sorry, but I can't post the pic.
Last edited by Be (May 24, 2013 9:15 am)
Try to post the link then.
Has anyone seen this?
Kinda interesting...
Yes, I saw it yesterday and posted the link in the news section.
As you said - quite interesting (with a slight touch of what we'd expect to read in certain fanfictions, right?).
tobeornot221b wrote:
Yes, I saw it yesterday and posted the link in the news section.
As you said - quite interesting (with a slight touch of what we'd expect to read in certain fanfictions, right?).
Ah, ok
And yeah, I saw that...damn I wish I knew exactly whom she was refering to! I mean, it does seem kinda obvious but there is just enough ambiguity for there to be doubt...I don't know, I guess we won't really find out until it comes out...I hate waiting
Well I guess that's the decision you make when choosing not to known the spoilers
Others of us just have to keep our mouths shut, cos we know.
Well I say 'know'
Obviously I've seen and heard. So I've put 1+1 together...
There is always the possibility I've made '3'!
Last edited by besleybean (May 28, 2013 4:15 pm)
I will let myself be surprised.but obviously nothing's gonna be as it seems
Last edited by Mrs.Wenceslas (May 28, 2013 8:07 am)
besleybean wrote:
Well I guees that's the decision you make when choosing not to known the spoilers
Others of us jus have to keep our mouths shut, cos we know.
Well I say 'know'
Obviously I've seen and heard. So I've put 1+1 together...
There is always the possibility I've made '3'!
Ooooh...what do you know? Or rather, whats the 1 + 1 you've put together? PM me
, I have a really crappy internet connection and very often all those spoiler pages and such (especially tumblr and twitter) won't load properly
...and I'm not opposed to some spoilers
Mrs.Wenceslas wrote:
I will let myself be surprised.but obviously nothing's gonna be as it seems
Ha... totally get you. I'm the 'just want to wait to be surprised' type, too, rather than have to wait as long as we do while having images and vague answers (that may not even be answers) in my head. The thing is, it's kind of a shame because even with being careful, I've still come across a few pretty awesome not-too-spoilery pics of the boys on set, and it's always so much fun seeing behind the scenes/hanging out candids. I don't suppose any of you love-spoilers types on here are saving some of the cool set pics? Maybe after the show airs, could have a free-for-all-picture-dump thread to get to look back at them in retrospect.
oh, retrospective conspiracy review would be nice
Hey! So, I honestly have no idea where to put this... mods, feel free to shift. I know a lot of us enjoy the fun/oft-teasing tweets from the production crew, and Moftiss have their own section because, well, obviously. But most of the tweets from other crew members, mostly Arwel, were Series Three related, so were simply included in threads like this. Arwel said this wasn't a spoiler for anything (or possibly even production related), but he doesn't have his own thread, so I thought I'd just put it where most of his tweets/artsy stuff usually go:
Just something kinda cool that would be really neat to have designed into your place, no? Oh... oh, but speaking of stuff that IS related to current production, Mr. Price also shared a fun little tweet with us a while back, if any of you follow him:
Very cool, indeed.
Last edited by Russell (July 4, 2013 4:48 pm)
BBC One status today:
"Want to be the first to know the title of #Sherlock 3 episode 3? Well make sure you watch our series 2 repeats very closely.
Note, you'll need to watch all three episodes of series 2 - starting with episode 1 tonight at 8:30pm - to unlock the full title.
Clue: the title's in the titles."