Mattlocked wrote:
You mean this, tobe?
Um... whaaaa??? LOL what was that?!
German comedy.
Der Schuh des Manitu. I would translate: Manitu's shoe.
Love the doggies, but that voice is way too sexy for dog food.
Oh my god! I knew the commercial on german but this has blown my mind!
I closed my eyes and listened the spot a few times and (not that I just got that now...) his voice is so amazing! I wished they would broadcast the commercial in English in germany... wait... I'll just have to watch English commercials until it turns up... okay... no skipping TV intervals...
(I actually showed the clip with batchies voice to my brother and he had to laugh at my behavior...)
Strangely his voice does not appear to have quite the same effect on men/boys.
Yes, that's odd. Wonder why. We could conduct one of our scientific studies.