I've wondered about this since watching Reichenbach. And I DO mean seriously considered; both canonwise and Moftiss adaptation-wise.
Now think about it; first off we have a supposed death. Who would have handled the question of donating the body either for 'parts' or to science? Probably Mycroft.
Now yes, he wasn't dead but when he comes back, I would LOVE to see (after the initial reactions) John address this with Sherlock.
After all, he experiments on bodies donated for scientific purposes. I am sure he understands the worth of these donations. I am sure he would explain it as using the 'transport' for better purposes than simply taking up space in the ground or in an urn. It makes pure logical sense.
Now for canon Holmes, this option wasn't widely available although people DID do it. As a mature scientific man I can really see that he WOULD do so.
But BBC Sherlock is younger & still needs to mature. He has an ego that is less in control than Canon Holmes. I think it would be fun and interesting as to how he would anser such a question. After all, he knows first hand what happens to these bodies.
I think if he was really dead then he probably would do exactly that. He wouldn't care about what happened to his body after death. He would probably be somewhat intrigued as to how it could prove useful.
Davina wrote:
I think if he was really dead then he probably would do exactly that. He wouldn't care about what happened to his body after death. He would probably be somewhat intrigued as to how it could prove useful.
Hmm, Canon Holmes .. yes. But do you get the feeling that BBC Sherlock cannot imagine his death really? So much to do, so smart & can outwit anything/one and avoid death doe a long time yet?
An interesting thought...
You could probably shouldn't use his organs for transplant, because he was a drug user (more so in the canon, I know, but still), but you could still use the corpse for scientific purposes. I doubt he would mind, considering that he is not a religious person.
Yeah, I think the more immature BBC Sherlock probably doesn't really think much about his own death, and he probably hasn't even considered what will happen after he dies or what he wants to happen to his body etc. Why would he bother thinking about things like that? It's not IMPORTANT!!
Canon Holmes definitely would if he could...which means that future BBC Sherlock (when he's older and into beekeeping) should have thought about this and be quite intrigued by the idea.
I also guess BBC Sherlock would treat this issue just like the solar system - a waste of time to think about it
while he would probably donate a kidney for Mrs Hudson - if he has none in the refrigerator
LOL The kidney for Mrs Hudson is a good point (but aren't her hips the problem?). Maybe he really would not only donate his body for science, but also as organ donation - for "friends". Of course NOT to any idiot!
He would have been better donating it for 'Plastination' by Guther Von Hagens, I think he would like that.
Plus being a drug user and a smoker his lungs and veins would be knackered
Nadezhda wrote:
He would have been better donating it for 'Plastination' by Guther Von Hagens, I think he would like that.
Urgh, I'm afraid he would... while I was thinking of a life kidney donation when needed
I think he would assume that doctors would want to study his brain. Not sure it would occur to him to donate it, though; he'd probably just take it for granted it would be preserved and studied, like Einstein's.
NW16XE wrote:
I think he would assume that doctors would want to study his brain. Not sure it would occur to him to donate it, though; he'd probably just take it for granted it would be preserved and studied, like Einstein's.
For some reason this also came straight to my mind when thinking about this topic.
Now, if John and Sherlock ever talked about this (I doubt it), John would probably get suspicious if they just buried his body..
Sammy wrote:
NW16XE wrote:
I think he would assume that doctors would want to study his brain. Not sure it would occur to him to donate it, though; he'd probably just take it for granted it would be preserved and studied, like Einstein's.
For some reason this also came straight to my mind when thinking about this topic.
Now, if John and Sherlock ever talked about this (I doubt it), John would probably get suspicious if they just buried his body..
That's such a good point, he's far too arrogant to donate it, he'd just assume it would happen anyway.
And I doubt Sherlock and John have had the conversation for this very reason ^^ ...otherwise he would have questioned his friend's "death" more.
Considering he's always at the morgue, he would probably know all the staff by name & would be able to specify exactly who he wants experimenting on his body.
(me thins Molly but Molly probably wouldn't have the heart to do it; & on his will, it will read - absolutely DO NOT let Anderson anywhere near the experiments being conducted on my carcass)
Cadavers are often used by medical students I.e. they are 'given' one at the start which is theirs to work on. Mortuary technicians don't experiment on bodies per se.
NW16XE wrote:
I think he would assume that doctors would want to study his brain. Not sure it would occur to him to donate it, though; he'd probably just take it for granted it would be preserved and studied, like Einstein's.
In the fridge?