According to David Tyler, John Finnemore is now writing!
Yeah!! So I have to listen to all episodes once again in order to get into the mood.
The procrastination e.g. this, is clearly at an end. To be fair, he has only just finished The Edinburgh Fringe and ranting about the 30 Things You Must Do Before You Die book his sister bought him.
Davina wrote:
..... the 30 Things You Must Do Before You Die book ......
Oh, how glad I am that I am over 30 (!!) and still alive!
Brilliant! I can't wait! Let's hope the four principal actors can find time to be together in a recording room in the forseeable future.
deerstalker wrote:
Brilliant! I can't wait! Let's hope the four principal actors can find time to be together in a recording room in the forseeable future.
They do it on stage in front of a live audience usually. I wish I could go to a recording
Indeed, that's great news!
I watched too many average movies to still my Sherlock thirst while these audio dramas are truly captivating!
I seriously thought about applying for tickets and going to London for a recording until I read that they give away more tickets than there are seats.
Why would they do that?
Money? I read it, too. (A while ago, in an interview?)
Strange, hm, but obviously true.
So I'll have to take a sleeping bag and a tent and camp in front of the studio or what??
You could count Yellow Cars until they'd let you in.
Or hum 'Busy doing nothing' at the top of your voice. That would get you in pretty quick!!
Molly Hooper wrote:
Why would they do that?
If you want to record something and have a live audience laughing in the background, you give the tickets away for free and you give more than is needed. Because people aren't paying for the tickets, they have no obligation/drive to ensure they go if something else crops up in their lives or they well just forget. With only 3/4 of the seats full the audience won't sound nearly as good.
It's pretty standard for those things.
Oh, that makes sense, kazza, thank you! I didn't realise the tickets were free...
Fine, if the tickets are free it will make up for my flight costs . But I hate camping . Although maybe the nice guy who is playing Martin in the show might pop into my tent and bring me a hot cup of tea.
I would think there must be at least a tentative set of dates for recording. John would admit that he is better working to a frightening deadline, well, maybe not frightening but a bit scary anyway. It's so exciting keeping an eye on the blog to see when he's going to mention recording dates. I bet they have PLENTY of people applying for tickets this time round (For the life of me I can't think why. It must be the pulling power of Martin...or Arthur...or Douglas...or Carolyn).