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June 17, 2013 6:00 pm  #441

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Oh my! Can't stop staring at it, thanks so much for sharing :-) 
Wow, how will I ever sleep again? 
And yes, hats off to those amazing photographers and stylists! Such an incredible job on this shoot.


June 18, 2013 7:12 pm  #442

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Love his smile 


June 18, 2013 9:17 pm  #443

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Ems1 wrote:

Love his smile 

Me too-- now THERE'S his real teeth! What a relief.


June 18, 2013 11:42 pm  #444

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Aww...  you really hated those teeth on him, didn't you?     It's okay... I'm sure Martin gave them a 'uck, no' side-eye when he was done, too.....


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

June 19, 2013 12:51 am  #445

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Aww... you really hated those teeth on him, didn't you? It's okay... I'm sure Martin gave them a 'uck, no' side-eye when he was done, too.....

Sorry, I was a dental hygienist for over 25 years before I retired. Ask anyone who knows me, a person's teeth is just about the first thing I notice about anyone I meet. Old habits and training die hard, lol.


June 19, 2013 4:28 am  #446

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Russell wrote:

Aww... you really hated those teeth on him, didn't you? It's okay... I'm sure Martin gave them a 'uck, no' side-eye when he was done, too.....

Sorry, I was a dental hygienist for over 25 years before I retired. Ask anyone who knows me, a person's teeth is just about the first thing I notice about anyone I meet. Old habits and training die hard, lol.

Ha.     Nah... I wasn't in the field and I often notice things like that, too, so I hear ya.  It's just detail that makes up the overall impression of a person or their care of self (especially if they're quite bad, but, then, pretty much everyone would notice that).  My mom chipped the teensiest little bit of the corner edge of one of her front teeth once, somehow.  She said I was the first person that day to point it out.  ;P
Of course, in Martin's case, I just found it a ridiculously amusing tweak for the part of that particular character instead of hating.  Just found reaction kinda cute.    Here we go, how about ending the night with this.......

Naturally nice teeth, naturally sweet looking Martin, naturally favorite setting ("Martin Freeman Goes to Motown").
What's not to like.     


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

June 19, 2013 6:20 am  #447

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Here we go, how about ending the night with this.......

Naturally nice teeth, naturally sweet looking Martin, naturally favorite setting ("Martin Freeman Goes to Motown"). What's not to like.

Great casting as John, standing beside the patrician-looking Ben, isn't he. Lovely, the two of them, the contrast. Proof positive that friendships and relationships of all kinds come with all sorts of faces.


June 19, 2013 6:20 am  #448

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Ems1 wrote:

Love his smile 

Me too-- now THERE'S his real teeth! What a relief.

 Bwahahahahahaha   he as lovely teeth when the makeup artists do not get near him lol


June 19, 2013 6:22 am  #449

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Russell wrote:

Here we go, how about ending the night with this.......

Naturally nice teeth, naturally sweet looking Martin, naturally favorite setting ("Martin Freeman Goes to Motown"). What's not to like.

Great casting as John, standing beside the patrician-looking Ben, isn't he. Lovely, the two of them, the contrast. Proof positive that friendships and relationships of all kinds come with all sorts of faces.

Never seen this pic love it 


June 20, 2013 3:57 am  #450

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Aaaaahhh!  Making sure ready to leave at too-early-o-clock in the morning!! 
Gonna miss joining in the usual fun banter, but I'll probably be checking from my phone.  Especially the pics.  Hopefully you guys won't be causing me to thud at all in the middle of a gathering.     Enjoy another little 'hobbit' off to adventure!!  Have a good weekend and see ya!


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

June 20, 2013 5:20 pm  #451

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Currently my wallpaper on laptop :D love switching on to this pic every morning.


June 21, 2013 5:27 am  #452

Re: Favourite Martin pics

That is one beautiful shot, really fantastical to see him in this scenery.


June 21, 2013 5:17 pm  #453

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Maggi13 wrote:

That is one beautiful shot, really fantastical to see him in this scenery.

It is  and its my fave hobbit picture.


June 21, 2013 6:49 pm  #454

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Ok, this is one of my fav Martin pics...



June 22, 2013 5:36 pm  #455

Re: Favourite Martin pics



June 23, 2013 9:10 pm  #456

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Cause every girls crazy bout a sharp dressed man!

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

June 24, 2013 5:58 pm  #457

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Yeah we are 


June 24, 2013 6:15 pm  #458

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Maggi13 wrote:

Yeah we are 

I'm usually not, but damn...both Benedict and Martin pull off suits like nobody else can 



June 24, 2013 6:28 pm  #459

Re: Favourite Martin pics

I'm laughing way too much at ' pull off suits.'


June 24, 2013 6:40 pm  #460

Re: Favourite Martin pics

besleybean wrote:

I'm laughing way too much at ' pull off suits.'

Haha, me too...though I only read the double entendre there after I posted it, and then the imagery started 



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