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June 15, 2013 5:24 am  #421

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Ems1 wrote:

One of many fave martin pics

I just 'awwww!'-ed out loud... never seen that one before and what a sweet shot!

:D I have loads and loads of martin pics on my laptop ummmmmm may post one a day  lol


June 15, 2013 10:51 am  #422

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Ems1 wrote:

Russell wrote:

Ems1 wrote:

One of many fave martin pics

I just 'awwww!'-ed out loud... never seen that one before and what a sweet shot!

:D I have loads and loads of martin pics on my laptop ummmmmm may post one a day  lol

Same here. Aaaaaaawww! So cute.
And yes. Please feel free to post Martin pictures.  *settles in front of the monitor with a cuppa*


June 15, 2013 5:08 pm  #423

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Maggi13 wrote:

Ems1 wrote:

Russell wrote:

I just 'awwww!'-ed out loud... never seen that one before and what a sweet shot!

:D I have loads and loads of martin pics on my laptop ummmmmm may post one a day  lol

Same here. Aaaaaaawww! So cute.
And yes. Please feel free to post Martin pictures. *settles in front of the monitor with a cuppa*

Lol wish i can settle with a cuppa this evening but alas have to go party :-) will post one before i go out :D 


June 15, 2013 5:31 pm  #424

Re: Favourite Martin pics

A selection of martin pics from the t.v show Bruiser 


June 15, 2013 9:51 pm  #425

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Wow, thanks. He is so versatile, love that about Martin.
Well, I had to take a break as well. But in my defence I was watching Ben in Star Trek at the movies tonight :-)


June 16, 2013 2:34 am  #426

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Very cute.  Yes... I think we all love Ben and Martin's versatility...  ;D   Part of what makes a favorite actor so intriguing, with other skills.  Cutely strange how... 'clean-cut young' for lack of term he more looks there?  Reminds me a bit of how hilarious different I found him in Wild Target:

(a repost, I know, but just in case they hadn't seen it!)  He just cracks me up every time with his totally different 'slick jerk' style.  :D

But I digress.... a bit of relaxed, plain old adorable Martin before bed (or... right... for when most of you wake up...)   


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

June 16, 2013 7:17 am  #427

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Maggi13 wrote:

Wow, thanks. He is so versatile, love that about Martin.
Well, I had to take a break as well. But in my defence I was watching Ben in Star Trek at the movies tonight :-)

Yeah he is a wonderful actor.
Haha that is a good defence  Can not miss ben in Startrek and its a great movie.


June 16, 2013 7:29 am  #428

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Very cute. Yes... I think we all love Ben and Martin's versatility... ;D Part of what makes a favorite actor so intriguing, with other skills. Cutely strange how... 'clean-cut young' for lack of term he more looks there? Reminds me a bit of how hilarious different I found him in Wild Target:

(a repost, I know, but just in case they hadn't seen it!) He just cracks me up every time with his totally different 'slick jerk' style. :D

But I digress.... a bit of relaxed, plain old adorable Martin before bed (or... right... for when most of you wake up...)

Nice pics to wake upto this morning  


June 16, 2013 9:55 am  #429

Re: Favourite Martin pics


June 16, 2013 12:03 pm  #430

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Love him, here flirting with Sarah. 


June 16, 2013 12:19 pm  #431

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Be wrote:

I like this picture, too, because of the hidden side this John Watson has. It is the opposite to Sherlock's hidden heart. I think it is the first time that I like the interpretation of a Dr. Watson. In previous interpretations he is just the silly sidekick. Martin Freeman and the writers give him enough strength to stand next to Sherlock.

Oh, I don't know about the silly sidekick thing. I'm currently watching some old BBC series on PBS here in the States. It was made in like 1985, and it's fabulous. And that John is very much, as that Sherlock always introduces him to others, Sherlock's "friend and colleague". There is no silliness whatsoever in him. And whoever the actor is, he's quite adorable and endearing, as "our" John is-- blond, nice smile, always willing to lend a hand and soothe people, while his Sherlock stews someplace in his mysterious mind palace, and then gets to be the hero that saves the day in the end. I'll go now and see if I can find actors' names. BRB...

Here ya go, this is it


I have to watch it now. I have seen some of the Granada films though with Jeremy Brett as Sherlock. There are two different actors as Watson. I don't mind that Watson is almost always wrong. And that he is funny. So is our John. But I still get the impression that Martin and the script in Sherlock provide something else for the John-character. He is taken seriously. And from time to time he can stand his ground against Sherlock.


June 16, 2013 11:08 pm  #432

Re: Favourite Martin pics

He looks weird in this pic, as though perhaps someone airbrushed the original image. Whoever it was did something to his teeth. Doesn't really look like him IMO, sorry.


June 16, 2013 11:11 pm  #433

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Now, this is our "real" Martin/John. I love the more present-day images of him (I do of Ben, too) and prefer him with his facial lines and all that character he brings to his.....character.  The man does not need airbrushing IMO.



June 16, 2013 11:14 pm  #434

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Be wrote:

I.... I still get the impression that Martin and the script in Sherlock provide something else for the John-character. He is taken seriously. And from time to time he can stand his ground against Sherlock.

Ah, that's what makes all that BBC Sherlock fan fic so delicious, whether it's Johnlock or just friendship-based. The two of them have great chemistry in the actual show-- their casting was a triumph. I can't imagine a John who couldn't stand up to Sherlock when need be. Or a Sherlock who wouldn't value that trait in him.


June 17, 2013 3:52 am  #435

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Oh, but that's what's so hilarious about it, AG!  Agree with both your comments, and love natural Martin, yes, (or, at least, neatly done up in a non-fakey way) but in Wild Target, the point is that he plays a character bordering on a caricature of the slick sadistic hit-man, flashing his (yes, made-up) pearly whites (you swear they almost sparkle at one point....).   Another good catch of such expression, like so....

Agree it's weird to see him that way, and agree looked "better" in other roles, but there's just something about the comic-ness of this entire movie, even if it wasn't a fan favorite, that's I personally think is just plain fun to see Nighy and Freeman square off in totally different style.  But I digress... gimme a bit of natural Freeman to leave off to sweet dreams with......  ;)


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

June 17, 2013 5:39 am  #436

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Oh, but that's what's so hilarious about it, AG! Agree with both your comments, and love natural Martin, yes, (or, at least, neatly done up in a non-fakey way) but in Wild Target, the point is that he plays a character bordering on a caricature of the slick sadistic hit-man, flashing his (yes, made-up) pearly whites (you swear they almost sparkle at one point....). Another good catch of such expression, like so....

Oh! So those are prosthetic ugly teeth that he wore for a role?  They look like a bunch of Chiclets lined up in his mouth, ugh! I hadn't seen these images before. Dreadful!


June 17, 2013 5:49 am  #437

Re: Favourite Martin pics

A selection of martin pics from the 4 part itv show boymeetsgirl 


June 17, 2013 12:29 pm  #438

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Russell wrote:

Oh, but that's what's so hilarious about it, AG!  Agree with both your comments, and love natural Martin, yes, (or, at least, neatly done up in a non-fakey way) but in Wild Target, the point is that he plays a character bordering on a caricature of the slick sadistic hit-man, flashing his (yes, made-up) pearly whites (you swear they almost sparkle at one point....).   Another good catch of such expression, like so....

Agree it's weird to see him that way, and agree looked "better" in other roles, but there's just something about the comic-ness of this entire movie, even if it wasn't a fan favorite, that's I personally think is just plain fun to see Nighy and Freeman square off in totally different style.  But I digress... gimme a bit of natural Freeman to leave off to sweet dreams with......  ;)

Oh my god! This second pic is so delicious.
It is the blue colour again.
I should not look at this thread when I am at work.
Thanks for this


June 17, 2013 4:59 pm  #439

Re: Favourite Martin pics



June 17, 2013 5:09 pm  #440

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Oh! So those are prosthetic ugly teeth that he wore for a role?  They look like a bunch of Chiclets lined up in his mouth, ugh! I hadn't seen these images before. Dreadful!

Ha... your comment made me chuckle!  He doesn't have a huge part in the movie, but you might find it intriguing!  I know... going from that to pics like the nice ones Ems just posted... look so relaxedly ordinary.

And Maggi-  yes!  Aww... I -know-... some of the shoots those boys do, with such greatly arranged style/lighting... seriously great, and really makes you appreciate photographers who bring out the best like that.  I do have another image from that same shoot, speaking of which....  ahem.... totally not my fault for causing any distraction, by the way, despite the look he's giving us!! 


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

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