His kisses?? Give it to me!! *lol*
Sava wrote:
His kisses?? Give it to me!! *lol*
Haha, now that would be awesome
Sava wrote:
Nearly a kiss.......Goodnight Lovelies!
I wish that "almost kiss" was directed at either A) John or B) Me!
kittykat wrote:
I know where you can download them all, for free
Well, there might be people who would like to earn some money from it!? Whom you should support when you like them? Just saying....
Buying the CDs is not possible for me. You know nothing of my situation.
Of course I don't. And there may also be exceptions. As I said: "Just saying". Just a little, tiny reminder.
As long as you don't post the link in here, it's fine by me.
I never intended to post the link. If people want it they can message me. I'm the only one in the house with internet after my mum died, and my dad pays the bills.
I honestly tried to find them in a store, but never could. Half the people I asked had never even heard of it. So what on earth am I supposed to do otherwise? Miss out just because I don't live on my own and don't pay the bills?
Last edited by kittykat (October 16, 2013 9:36 pm)
And for the record, I asked Silver if she wanted the link. She politely declined and said she would buy the CDs, which is great if you can do that.
Now back to the topic, where were we?
Ah yes, a perfect good night piccie:
SolarSystem wrote:
Yes, there are a lot of scenes in the pilot where he looks quite lovely...
Very mature.
How's this for a wonderfully lovely Pilot Sherlock?
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
kittykat wrote:
I have not been able to find a way to listen to Cabin Pressure
Did you check You Tube? Last I looked, some of it was up there. I couldn't get interested because I couldn't follow who was who, what the heck they were talking about, and the accents were very thick. I would need to hear the first episode, to get some idea who the characters are and what the backstory is. Plopped into the middle like that, I was lost. Couldn't even tell which voice was Ben. But anyway, you might could find something on you tube.
The full episodes have been taken down due to copyright. But they are still out there on the internet
Offline has the series 1 (does that mean the first season?) audio download for 3 pounds 95, which strikes me as pretty inexpensive; I think that's just about six dollars US. In fact, on the amazon UK website, you can get it for free, if you sign up for a free trial of their thing, although I don't know what's involved with that.
Anyway, buying the download at a place like that would keep everything legal and above-board, copyright wise.
At the US, they only have it as an audiobook, far as I can tell, starting at $14.80, plus another $3.99 shipping, so considerably more expensive than a simple download. I didn't spend enough time there to really find out if there's an audio download available through the US's amazon.
If you've got the money and the means, then fair enough. But not all of us do so we have to do what we can
Another bit of Pilot Sherlock...
Yes, I have added "Attend a recording of Cabin Pressure " to the list of Things I would Sell an Organ For.
Mattlocked wrote:
kittykat wrote:
I know where you can download them all, for free
Well, there might be people who would like to earn some money from it!? Whom you should support when you like them? Just saying....
I just wanted to add something:
I know that nearly everything can be downloaded from the Internet. Kitty, it was right not to post the link here.
Mattlocked is correct. We should remember that creative people want earn money with their work. I myself do such work and would not be happy if people shared it for free on the Internet. Benedict may earn a lot more money than most of us but it is a fact that CP is his creative work. I do not want to start a big copyright discussion but please keep this in mind when you download or copy things that can be legally bought. Thank you all.