Hmm morning filled with books!
SusiGo wrote:
Fine. Just what I needed on a cold evening.
Harriet, it's your lucky day:
Susi, you changed your avatar back. So proud of you This picture is just priceless.
Good morning all!
The demand for it was great so I couldn't resist.
^Oh, great, now I know who you are again. I recognise people solely by their avatars and signatures. I never look at the names if I can help it.
Same with me, Sparrow^^
It is a very nice pic indeed. I think I'll keep it for a while and just play around with my signature when I'm in the mood.
As long as you keep a light blue quote followed by a light purple one, I'll still be able to recognize you.
Lovely picture
Nothing better than a nice afternoon thud. Thank you very much, Mary.
You're welcome.
I changed avatar and signature, too. Means I'm incognito now.
Sparrow wrote:
^Oh, great, now I know who you are again. I recognise people solely by their avatars and signatures. I never look at the names if I can help it.
??? Funny, 'cause I'm just the opposite. Avatars and sig lines come and go, but the forum membership names always remain the same. Something I also completely ignore, whenever possible, are those huge pictures and gif's people put in their sig line sections-- so repetitive and much too big, but I just scroll down, scroll down, scroll down. Each to his own. There is no right and wrong way to visit the forum, of course.
I don't like names. I look at them once and remember them. And then I prefer visual images. So when I see a yellow avatar background + New Hampshie USA, I know it's you. :D
Mattlocked wrote:
I changed avatar and signature, too. Means I'm incognito now.
No! What happened to that awesome Ben picture?
In memory of Mattlocked's signature († March 16 2013)
Last edited by Mary Me (March 16, 2013 2:11 pm)
Mattlocked wrote:
I changed avatar and signature, too. Means I'm incognito now.
I didn't even read this post until I saw Mary Me quote it, because it was a signature I did not recognize. O_O You should at least change only either the avatar or the signature at a time so I have time to get used to the new one.
Sparrow wrote:
Mattlocked wrote:
I changed avatar and signature, too. Means I'm incognito now.
I didn't even read this post until I saw Mary Me quote it, because it was a signature I did not recognize. O_O You should at least change only either the avatar or the signature at a time so I have time to get used to the new one.
I read everything on the threads to which I'm subscribed. OTOH, I don't often go hunting on the forum for new threads-- I just stick to the familiar, and yeah, I miss stuff that way, but I don't want to spend two hours a day here, after all, lol. But meanwhile, I read everything new each time I come to the threads I care about.
I can assure that I'm not going to change my avatar or my signature pic. At least not until series 3 has aired.
Time for a little breathing meditation to overcome the shock of the changed avatars and signatures.