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March 7, 2014 7:40 pm  #23121

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

SpiralStaircase wrote:

rebeccaholmes wrote:

Look at his cute little smile/laugh thing.


I just wanna mess up his hair. I irritate hubby messing up his hair and his isn't even as long as Sherlocks, so I'd be driving Sherlock crazy playing with his hair.

I'd love to run my finger through his curls.

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 7:45 pm  #23122

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

rebeccaholmes wrote:

SpiralStaircase wrote:

rebeccaholmes wrote:

Look at his cute little smile/laugh thing.


I just wanna mess up his hair. I irritate hubby messing up his hair and his isn't even as long as Sherlocks, so I'd be driving Sherlock crazy playing with his hair.

I'd love to run my finger through his curls.

I remember Loo Brealey mentioning on her Twitter account that on her birthday Ben let her play with his Sherlock hair. Or do something to it. Lucky Loo!


March 7, 2014 7:49 pm  #23123

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Ah, what I'd give to be in that position!!! I bet it's so soft, and smooth, and sjkdfh jlgh dg

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 7:51 pm  #23124

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

rebeccaholmes wrote:

Ah, what I'd give to be in that position!!! I bet it's so soft, and smooth, and sjkdfh jlgh dg

I wonder what shampoo Sherlock uses - hee hee!


March 7, 2014 7:57 pm  #23125

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

I would happily volunteer to wash his hair.

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 8:23 pm  #23126

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Here's your answer about the hair ;)

And yes I'd like to grab it.


I'm clueing for looks


March 7, 2014 8:27 pm  #23127

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

clareiow wrote:

Here's your answer about the hair ;)

And yes I'd like to grab it.

Oooh fab! And Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage was on it too!!! Yay!


March 7, 2014 8:35 pm  #23128

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Cumberbabe wrote:

Time to refill the wine glass and watch episode 2!

Sounds like a bloody good combination!

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 8:40 pm  #23129

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Ooh makes me want to watch even more! I'm saving it for my flight to florida next month!

Here's a yummy pic I've not seen before...


I'm clueing for looks


March 7, 2014 8:40 pm  #23130

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

I think I'm going to plan to watch Third Star again tomorrow night, it's such a beautiful film.

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 8:42 pm  #23131

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

rebeccaholmes wrote:

I think I'm going to plan to watch Third Star again tomorrow night, it's such a beautiful film.

Aww it is very beautiful but so harrowing too....Ben's performance is heartbreaking and beautiful.


I'm clueing for looks


March 7, 2014 8:44 pm  #23132

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

I really, like really fell in love with him in the film, he did such a brilliant job. It made me so proud for him to act such a difficult role/plot out so successfully.

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 9:00 pm  #23133

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

For all the errant curl fans -


March 7, 2014 9:02 pm  #23134

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

I LOVE this pic


I'm clueing for looks


March 7, 2014 9:09 pm  #23135

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures


March 7, 2014 9:09 pm  #23136

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Oh wow, TAKE ME NOW.

Oops, I'm sorry, did I really just say that?

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 9:10 pm  #23137

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Messy tie = sexy tie -

Scarf Batch -

Last edited by SpiralStaircase (March 7, 2014 9:10 pm)


March 7, 2014 9:14 pm  #23138

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

SpiralStaircase wrote:

Messy tie = sexy tie -

I don't think I'm allowed to express my true feelings towards this photo, they're dangerous...

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


March 7, 2014 9:24 pm  #23139

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

rebeccaholmes wrote:

I think I'm going to plan to watch Third Star again tomorrow night, it's such a beautiful film.

Oh yes it is. And so terrible sad.

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)


March 7, 2014 9:26 pm  #23140

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

A bit of Profile!lock.

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


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