baseline tests are common, though they should have done it earlier in the day... hope time passes quickly! Distractions are good, if you can rest then rest!
Hope it turns out well!
It was the time they gave me and that was it. I'm glad I got to enjoy dinner last night, though you're right - earlier would have been nice if that time was available!
I watched part of a movie this morning and starting writing a story - not too badly, I think, considering that I am hungry.
I'm leaving for the test place soon, and I'm bringing a granola bar with me. You can bet that I am eating it the second I get out of there!
I have to wait for the ultrasound results and I have to wear a blood pressure monitor for the next 24 hours. It takes a reading every half hour. The first time it beeped and made noise, my mum was in another room and thought it was the microwave. The second time, my cat was confused by the noises. Lol.
Last edited by Yitzock (July 29, 2016 6:08 pm)
Hoping it went okay!
So... the Shakespeare (especially Hamlet) nerd in me is fuming right now.
I saw a clip of a young man performing Hamlet's "To Be, Or Not To Be"... and he did it with glee, like... he had no clue what the text was about. He played Hamlet happy!
I am not saying you can't play with it... and one could play Hamlet so mad that he was barely aware of the severity of his own death-wish... but nope. Just no.
Benedict did it so perfectly!
I know not everyone can be a nerd like me... I respect that... but this just made my blood boil. Hamlet is very important to me. From I was a little girl, and all I knew was that , "To be or not to be, that is the question"... to reading it as a personal challenge when I started to find English boring in school as a teenager... writing my major college project about the madness of Hamlet and those around him. (which I was told I couldn't do... because Shakespeare was too hard and it was too broad a subject, according to my teachers. I then joked if I couldn't do that I'd write about death in Macbeth).
I was obsessed with the play, I think it was my first 'fandom' thing... after Lord of The Rings.
Gosh. I sound arrogant, don't I?
I don't think you sound arrogant.
I would be surprised, too, to see it performed that way and it seemed like the person was ignoring what the text meant.
A YOLO Hamlet? Doesn't work for me, either
I would think that there is only so much you can change. He does after all say that what comes after death "must give us pause."
Total oblivion will suit me just fine.
Yep, been there and done that...
Fantasies are good...
Are you fantasizing about my medical tests? They're not that fun. Lol I'm joking.
I was going to put this in the good news thread, but I might as well write it while I'm here.
I'm going to the bookstore at midnight to get my copy of the new Harry Potter book!
Oh, there have been no bad results, but the ultrasound was still not fun.
But yes, it will be fun to see the other fans.
Medical tests are rarely fun. I always felt bad even having to take blood pressures (thought that was on kids) for medical trials... Hope it all turns out well!
And I so know what you mean, Lautrela. I was at a Birthday in the family this weekend... The most intelligent conversation I had was with a child.
Kids sometimes talk the most sense.
Can I sign that? Both of it?
But one good thing came out of that Birthday... I was reminded of my mother's aunt's middle name... If I ever have a baby girl I'll use it... (she's the closest I ever had to a grandparent)
Britta works I suppose, both in Danish, Dutch and English...
I've become so broody lately. My boyfriend in Holland sends me pictures of him and his little newborn niece...
I know that. Fortunately it calmed down meanwhile.
My outrage of the day:
Colleagues who need a degree to change toner of a printer.
Actually it's useless to fuss. But nevertheless I do it. My own fault.
Sorry to hear you're struggling, Lautrela *hugs*
And ugh. I know what you mean gently. Any place I've been a secretary at no matter how many other people worked there and for how long; I was the only one who could actually change the ink in the printers...
I had a 'tech' related incident today... my therapist had to sign me up for some app thingy and she's so bad at technology. I was itching to help her and I knew I couldn't, and shouldn't...
Lautrela wrote:
Parents. They always think they know how you should live your life better than you.
It's exhausting.
I'm in a bad place lately. Fighting my own demons. Trying to save time.
So sorry to hear that. Having my fingers crossed for you so that it gets better and the demons disperse slowly...
Sorry to hear your woes, Lautrela.
Hard to know what to say, without knowing the details.
But speaking as a parent for the moment:
we may not know what's best, but we can sometimes offer our own experience and therefore some advice.
If we're doing it right, we are only trying to be helpful!
Of course you are free to reject any advice and at the end of the day, parents should support their child's decision.
Anyhow, hope it all works out for you.
Phantom: know what you mean.
I was once sitting in a hospital waiting room, as my hubby had a clinic appointment.
The receptionist's photocopier jammed and I was dying to get in there and sort it out!