Niels Bohr? You might be interested in this then, Phantom.
There is also a thread about it somewhere here
Last edited by Harriet (August 27, 2014 7:55 am)
Whisky wrote:
I just had a spider in my room, and had to remove it, because I don't share bedrooms with spiders, ever. But it took all my courage to catch it (I cannot kill them little beasts). I'm angry with myself for being such a girl, but these little 8-leg-monsters are just creepy.
This is especially for you then (and don't worry, it's harmless):
Harriet wrote:
Niels Bohr? You might be interested in this then, Phantom.
There is also a thread about it somewhere here
Awh the episode isn't available anymore... I'll try to find it elsewhere! I NEED to listen to this. Thank you Harriet!
And Whisky, I know your pain. I have a really bad phobia with spiders... if I don't act within a few seconds and kill the thing I risk freezing up in fear which really isn't helpful...
Killing thpiders is baaad...
I don't really love them, either, but I take them with a glass and a card and take them outside.
I say "I", because hubby is afraid of thpiders.
You're welcome, Phantom!
Have a look at here:
It's also available as audio book by now. Details over there
Mattlocked wrote:
Killing thpiders is baaad...
I don't really love them, either, but I take them with a glass and a card and take them outside.
I say "I", because hubby is afraid of thpiders.
I don't kill the spiders too....I send someone to do it for me
I'm soooo afraid of these huge and dangerous beasts
Mattlocked wrote:
Killing thpiders is baaad...
I don't really love them, either, but I take them with a glass and a card and take them outside.
I say "I", because hubby is afraid of thpiders.
Same here.. Thpiders and moths are hubbys kryptonite. I don´t mind insects at all, so from early age it was always me who had to get rid of them.
Oh and I definitely want to have a look at that audiobook, it sounds fantastic! (I´m a fan of Niels Bohr and Heisenberg.. and of that actor dude that seems to play him..)
My Mum said yesterday: Let's watch something with that Camemburch. (She adores Ben but apparently she should call him just Benedict.) So we watched Star Trek together and she was falling asleep if Ben wasn't on screen. And the other day Mum called me just to tell me that she was completely smitten when Ben did sad eyes and that there weren't enough hot scenes in the last episode of Parade's End. It always makes me illogically happy when I convince someone to watch Sherlock or other Ben's things and they say that Sherlock is great and Ben is lovely.
Pav wrote:
It always makes me illogically happy when I convince someone to watch Sherlock or other Ben's things and they say that Sherlock is great and Ben is lovely.
I feel the same. I shouldn't be, because then they start borrowing my beloved DVDs and start asking me truly old questions about series 1... but all I can think is: yesss another one hug them!
Sleepless, just wondering about time zones... when is the busiest time here in the forum = when is everybody (more or less) awake? it feels quiet here now, but by my calculation, the other side of the world should be wide awake...
And thanks for the spider videos, SolarSystem and Titania! I know I should feel about them like in the first vid, but I always expect the second vid scenario ^^
Last edited by Whisky (September 3, 2014 11:32 pm)
besleybean wrote:
Yes! Everywhere! Harry Potter forbidden forest scenario! They're coming for youuuu...!
Uhm. I just wonder if Sherlock and John are the "afraid of spiders" type or the "I don't care about them" type. Probably they never have spiders in 221b, because Sherlock picks them up and does nasty things to them, and word gets round...
I imagine Sherlock wouldn't care about the spiders. He'd just be occupied by the intricacies of dust samples. Though he might get annoyed if the spider crawled in between the lense and the sample. Wow, spider at 40x, that'd be a big spider.
I had a bit of a shock today...
My phone messed up during the weekend and today I thought most of the emails I sent to my guy this weekend had been sent to a lady at the job center... My face was white as a sheet!
Also because I have filed a complaint against her... so well... super awkward! Turns out she hadn't recieved them. Thank goodness!!
I complained against her because during a meeting with her she chose to give me health advice which were just ludacris. She advised me to completely stop eating in order to lose weight (I work as a secretary for doctors who specialize in obese children and know that not eating can have the oposite effect). She also adviced me that smoking reduced the appetite...
Just feeling terribly silly, because I actually googled for a Sherlock related dating site. First I was relieved there isn't one (well who would go there anyway!), then I realised that the fact there isn't one makes me really lonely (I would go there!). I just thought it would be a brilliant place to meet likeminded people, and would save me the effort of convincing some poor guy of watching Sherlock all day. I then wondered "Is that the point where being single makes you loose your mind?" I'm not even the desperate single type, I just thought the idea was brilliant (it being such a huge fandom with loads of singles possibly)... but well, maybe not. At that point I ate several chocolate bars. It then occured to me that on such a community there would be only girls probably. And it then occured to me I wouldn't even mind that so much. And that's when I made myself a strong tea, and decided to hurry to work to really get my mind off things...
but tell me anyway if you know of such a community I'd be delighted :D
Glad to hear your emails didn't end up wrong. I would feel nervous and worried as well! I hope you don't let "advise" like that get to you the wrong way. Any chance she was just trying to help but didn't know the right things to say? In any case, I hope there is a good solution for you! Maybe you can meet s.o. different at the job center?
I know just how you feel Whisky! No need to feel silly! A dating site like that would be sort of cool!
I use a sort of dating style chat room (where I met my guy) and I have for years... I won't recommend it though. Most of the people there are scary.
My avatar is my wrist with my rose tattoo and I was lazy and used a picture where I had written '221B' on my wrist for some anniversary.
I instantly got so attracted when people knew what it meant. One of them I had been flirting with for ages and the day I was a bit down and he said "you should go watch Sherlock, I know that cheers you up" I just wanted to marry him... we're friends now.
Jobcenter consultants have the right to give health and hygiene advice here, and I'm fine with that. But her advice was just sick. I was actually nice in my complaint and suggested that they educated their staff about what advice is okay to give... I even sent them articles the doctors I work for had written...
I have tried to get a new consultant because even if I didn't take it too much to heart I feel a bit sick when having to contact her. (other than the advice about my weight, which again makes sense as it's harder to get a job when you're not exactly skinny. But she also pointed out that my arms were full of scars, which isn't a thing I can change now. It happened. and her pointing it out just felt so out of place... I had a feeling she was trying to feel better about herself by pointing out my mistakes or something)
It would be awesome to find some guy via chat, though I've made great friends via chatrooms, and there was lots of flirting, it never got serious when we finally met. But I'd totally fall for a guy who likes Sherlock I think I know some, but they're already off market.
I didn't know job centre consultants give health advise. But I know what you mean with scars. I don't like it if people point out mine, but well, have to live with that, they're there. You're looking for a job then? I really hope you'll find something suited for you
Your tattoo sounds nice. I always wanted to get one but cannot make my mind up about which symbol maybe, one day... i'd totally put a 221b but i think it would annoy me with 70something... maybe. maybe not :D
I wasn't exactly looking for love there... but well... apparently it happened. My guy isn't into Sherlock though *gasp!* But he thinks it's cool.
I hope it works out for you though!
Here, in Denmark they do. It's a new thing that they have been allowed to.
I'm in a job right now at the hospital, but it ends in February and I still need to look for jobs... But thanks! I'm hoping the hospital will hire me after I'm done. I've become part of the 'family' so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
You should only get a tattoo when you're absolutely sure I believe, I got my last tattoo as a spur of the moment thing out of grief and I have regretted it ever since.
I have a long list of tattoos I want... one of them is the shadow of Benedict's Sherlock... I don't know where yet.
A Chit-Chat thread with no chit-chat going on... what's wrong? ;)
Hmm, going to bake wafers (is that the word? I always wondered since the court scene in Sherlock^^) ... yummy
I experienced something 'backwards' on Friday night...
I am used to 'hide' the gender of my ex'es because one of them is female (Which in Danish is easy because we don't say "Boyfriend or Girlfriend" we have a word that translates to "My dearest".
I was partying with a group of artistic people, where it was pretty clear no one was exactly completely straight and we were talking about all sorts and when I mentioned one of my ex boyfriends I heard someone shout "Wait, a minute. HE????"
Love it!