Saw this picture on Facebook. Pick one from each column - the month of your birth, the colour of shirt/jumper you have on and the date range of your birth...they make fun sentences...
Mine is "I have the skull of Sally Donovan because I was held hostage."
I made a hit tv show with Sally Donovan because I was held hostage.
Goodness there's a lot of hostage taking going on here!
joining you
I strapped a bomb to Jim Moriarty because I was held hostage.
Whilst many people smile and gaily share this information with their friends I'd like to point out that they may not be thinking straight.
It is very easy to deduce a lot from this tiny amount of freely given information.
I'd advise caution with any Facebook app which tries to get important information in this manner.
Knowing someone's date of birth, mother's maiden name, dogs' name etc. is paramount to giving away your house keys, as passwords can be reset or worse still, important emails can become compromised.
I'd recommend editing your post to remove temptation but certainly be more cautious in the future. Why did whoever it was that created this image focus on valuable information and not what footwear you wore or otherwise as fickle information?
I dunno, I think it's pretty harmless, it's not like you're giving away your exact birthday, just a month and a range of possible dates. I know a lot of people use birthdays as pin codes but in order to use any of the information you'd need to at least know the person's name as well and as no one's giving away their names, I'd say we were pretty safe...but obviously don't take part if you feel uncomfortable about anything.
I skinned Anderson because Mycroft hired me to.
... Hold on, have to climb back onto my chair....Okay i'm back. this is seriously one of the funniest things ever
I skinned the Bee Gees because they're sexy!
What? I would never do that!
Trust me to get a non-Sherlock character.
Excuse me while I change the colour of my shirt.
Now I skinned Sherlock Holmes because he's sexy.
The last bit is right, but I wouldn't skin him though.
Unless I was a Slitheen...
I made a tea for Sally Donovan because she's sexy.
Why I don't have a red shirt ? -_-
Last edited by Milkomeda (April 10, 2012 2:47 am)
I strapped a bomb to Sherlock Holmes because Mycroft hired me to.
Ok... well, mine is "I married Sherlock Holmes because I felt like it".
mine is too embarrassing... darn.. why Anderson?!
I had dinner with Greg Lestrade because there was a bomb strapped to me!
I burned the heart out of the Bee Gees because I felt like it... how mean!!
Smoggy_London_Air wrote:
I had dinner with Greg Lestrade because there was a bomb strapped to me!
Oh poor Lestrade, does nobody want to have dinner with him freely? Forever alone Lestrade!
No, seriously though, I would volunteer.
Wa-hoo, I'm dancing with Sherlock Holmes!
How little did I know that my choice of clothing this morning would affect my evening like this.
"I made tea for Mycroft, because he's sexy."
Well, okay, I'll go with that…
I can't see the picture? My phone's being stupid...
Clearly the original has vanished!
Nope, think it's just my phone. It worked on my laptop.