Irene manages twice to catch Sherlock off-guard by confronting him with situations he is not used to and has no experience with. First it's the nudity he doesn't know how to interpret, the second time it's blunt sexual advances ("I could have you right here on this desk ..."). But Sherlock is highly intelligent and learns incredibly fast, so the third time (the scene in front of the fireplace) he sees through her and doesn't fall for it.
Does he really not understand when she asks if he's ever had anybody?
Last edited by besleybean (June 11, 2013 5:32 pm)
Or he doesn't want to talk about it. We shouldn't forget that Moriarty thoroughly informed Irene about the Holmes Brothers, pointing out their weaknesses. She's acting on the basis of this information (that Sherlock's a virgin whatever that means) and therefore tries to exploit his actual or alleged inexperience in sexual matters.
besleybean wrote:
Does he really not understand when she asks if he's ever had anyvody?
I would rather say he has never been confronted with such a question before, at least not by a stranger. Irenes aggressively sexual behaviour is confusing for him at first until he finally sees through it. And also, any answer he could give would be problematic. If he said no, that would be a weakness that could be used by his enemies. If he said yes - well, maybe in the past there was somebody he was in love with and whom he still likes. Moriarty could find that person and threaten to kill her or him like he did with John and Sherlock's other friends.
Yeah I suppose the obvious point is that Irene trie to use her sexuality to beat Sherlock and he turns it around and uses it against her..
Yes, he seizes one of the moments when she gets close to him to take her pulse. It's elevated, so she is not just playing with him, but there are actual emotions involved. With that he has found her weakness and the key to her secrets, so it's not "?????" anymore, but "!!!!!!"
besleybean wrote:
Does he really not understand when she asks if he's ever had anybody?
Sherlock understands too well. They are not just talking about a romantic relationship, but ...
Use your imagination. She is a dominatrix and she likes to play games...
Yeah, sorry.
Kind of meant to deal with that in my last post!
Be wrote:
besleybean wrote:
Does he really not understand when she asks if he's ever had anybody?
Sherlock understands too well. They are not just talking about a romantic relationship, but ...
Use your imagination. She is a dominatrix and she likes to play games...
Does she? Did you? *looks arkwardly*
I said that Sherlock was using Irene's sexuality against her.
I've just had another thought about all this. Firstly, although Mycroft refers to Irene's profession as a dominatrix as being to do with sex, it actually isn't. However, by her being naked she attempts to gain advantages over Sherlock. A lack of clothing, apart fom red shoes makes her difficult, if not impossible, for him to read. It also puts him immediately into a submissive role and this, due to her professional experience, is exactly where she wants and needs him to be. Much of her sexualised banter/flirting with him during the episode is to keep him off balance and her in a dominant role. Even her use of the whip and drugs is in accord with her profession.
Irene was using all the tricks of her trade to dominate the situation. The whole "knowing where to look" thing I think is Irene's way of acknowledging John is no stranger to women whereas Sherlock is.
It's fitting that the key code is Irene's measurements and all that Sherlock noted was the technicalities of her nakedness...nice touch by the writers.
I think Sherlock's flustered behaviour was the surprise at Irene's nakedness, his body does betray him sometimes (as noted in THoB) but he quickly wrestles control to be back on top form.
Irene is a superb dominatrix - the dog collar in the teeth is awesome lol, and the whip...this role is all she knows and she uses it to get what she wants from Sherlock for Moriarty. However, Irene ends up falling for Sherlock (who can blame her) and whether he returns her feelings is up for debate. My thing is - why did he go to such trouble to ensure her safety if he cared nothing for her? He composed music for her too and acted a bit lovesick...I think Sherlock was impressed by Irene and attracted to her, but being him, he did not seek out a relationship with her. I do hope we see Irene again.
I never want to see Irene again.
Sherlock saved Irene because she didn't deserve to die.
Writer and actor acknowledge an attraction, so I have to accept that if cicumstances had been different, they may have become an item.
Elvina wrote:
My thing is - why did he go to such trouble to ensure her safety if he cared nothing for her? He composed music for her too and acted a bit lovesick...I think Sherlock was impressed by Irene and attracted to her, but being him, he did not seek out a relationship with her. I do hope we see Irene again.
I think he saved her because
1. he owed it to her. She saved John when she looked down at her breasts to give Sherlock the clue about her measurements.
2. she doesn't deserve a death penalty. She didn't kill anybody or tried to. She just gave away the translation/meaning of the e-mail, probably without knowing why it was important.
3. she could provide information in Karachi about Moriarty's weakness (if there is any/we know Sherlock found it somehow).While officially dead she was finally able to tell Sherlock more about Moriarty without having to fear his revenge. After being rescued she would owe him something.
4. according to canon Holmes is fair and honorable towards women. He doesn't really trust or like them, but he respects them.
5. she begged for mercy
6. Sherlock is IMO not a person who would take revenge just for revenge's sake. Irene is an item that can be used. Why destroy it?
Last edited by Be (June 19, 2013 10:12 am)
First off, I'd like to thank you all for providing me with hours of entertainment and enjoyment
while reading your comments and debates. I stumbled upon this forum earlier today, and I have
done little other than immerse myself in it since.
I beg of you all to take it easy on this n00b. My thoughts on this episode (as well as in
general) are based solely on my experiences watching Sherlock (no books). That said,
I feel and hope that the show alone is rich enough to provide me with plenty of food for thought.
Well, here goes...
I've noticed that many of the points made in this thread have to do with sexuality, whether they
be homosexual, heterosexual, or asexual. Of course this is to be expected, given the subject of
the thread. ;)
Rather than focus on sexuality, I would like to instead discuss the concepts of attraction and
(as silly as it may sound) love. I find it important to make this distinction, because Sherlock
Holmes -- after all -- craves intellectual stimulation above all other things.
The man literally goes mad when faced with boredom, rote, and predictability. His general
disdain for "ordinary people" stems from their willingness (and at times their desire) to abide
by the very rules and regulations that he so despises, all the while going through life seeing
but not observing.
This is where the perception of Sherlock being asexual makes perfect sense. Something as mundane
as Molly trying to get his attention with extra makeup or run-of-the-mill flirtiness simply
fails. Whether male or female, to get the attention of Sherlock Holmes, there must be something
different about you. (For example, Watson may have simply ended up as a roommate had it not been
for his experience as a wartime doctor.
Enter Irene Adler: a woman whose profession as a dominatrix perfectly fits her personality.
Like Holmes, Irene embraces walking the fine line between danger and excitement...while at the
same time weaving her own safety net of "get out of jail free cards" as she goes. Sherlock's
attraction for Irene likely begins before they first meet. After all, it is Irene who was able
to literally have royalty begging for mercy...something that Sherlock wishes he could do (albeit
in a very different way). In reality, Sherlock is not even able to ascertain the name of his
client. Already Irene Adler is one up on Holmes.
Fast forward to the first meeting...
Sherlock is knocked off his feet when Irene enters the room wearing nothing but her birthday
suit. As a warm-blooded male -- and as one so unfamiliar with being up-close and personal with
the (living) female physique -- Holmes is understandably frazzled. His confusion quickly gives
way to the usual methods of observation, but he is (I would imagine) impressed to find that his
powers of deduction fail to work on Miss Adler. It is here that what I like to call Holmes's
attraction for Irene Adler begins.
But it isn't until Irene says "smart is the new sexy" that Sherlock literally stumbles over his
own words. Finally, there is someone in Sherlock's life who not only relates to his keen
intellect but who actually finds it uniquely attractive! And here is where I'd like to note the
first bit of evidence from the script that there is a distinct difference within Holmes between
attraction and sex.
Taken by Irene's interest in solving the boomerang case, Holmes challenges Irene to figure it out
and to "THINK!" He then mockingly says, "come is the new sexy." Although Irene's
original quote is what spurred Sherlock's attraction, he was able to separate the sexual nature
of the quote itself from the underlying meaning. In essence, he mocks Irene's attempt to cater
to his sexuality while simultaneously preparing himself to respect her as a thinking person. Of
course they're interrupted, but Irene does eventually go out of her way to let Sherlock know that
she had finally figured it out. Respect and attraction at its best: Irene risks her safety and
freedom to gain Sherlock's affections.
OK I'll stop here for now...assuming you guys get into it, I'll be happy to analyze the rest of the episode along these lines of thought.
I love the part where Sherlock says {paraphrasing} that if I wanted to look at naked ladies I would use John's Laptop. And John replies he does. I think sherlock knew where to look as well.
Moffatt says,"There's no indication in the original stories that he was asexual or gay. He actually says he declines the attention of women because he doesn't want the distraction. What does that tell you about him? Straightforward deduction. He wouldn't be living with a man if he thought men were interesting."
Oh Steven says all different things at various occasions, it's like cherry picking from the Bible!
The DVD commentary is also a good source for info.
Steven does say that Sherlock is attracted to Irene on some level, but not in the way most people would be.
Sherlock just doesn't do relationships, he's married to his work.
Sherlock does not do relationships like everyone else. I think the attraction is cerebral but its interesting how the authors interject the physical aspects of relationships into Sherlock's character growth as well. I don't think Sherlock is gay or asexual. So there is no "Ship" relationship for me. It really is watching someone grow into a person that can exist in a world filled with emotional subcontext as well as the overly blatant i.e. Irene Adler.
Sorry I am giddy, but I always think of Bridget Jones "Tarts and Vicars party" when I see that scene..
Last edited by Zatoichi (February 13, 2014 3:46 pm)