Fascinating article here with lots of research possibilities.
It's about a course called "Establishing Truth and Credibility'", or "ETaC'".
The course is based on the work of Dr Paul Ekman - whose work was made famous by the television show Lie to Me.
It is part of what has been a recent expansion of Ekman's work - hoping to make a profitable global business out of what many have considered to be solely the domain of you-wouldn't-believe-it shows like The Mentalist or Sherlock Holmes.
"This course represents a 'new frontier' of emotional skills. It takes the latest rigorous science and understanding about the nature of emotions, and the nature of trust and deception, into day-to-day workplaces, people's lives and relationships. Translating this into the delivery of practical skills-based training.'"
Also lists Five ways to spot a Liar.
It turns out body language is the least reliable indicator of deception of all of the communication channels. People who are lying make less eye contact. Dead wrong.
Brilliant article, Kazza!
Is this meant as a joke:
The training is delivered by Alan Hudson and Malcolm Anderson?!
I really enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for posting it Kazza.
There's this great book with an awful cover "Body Language" by Allan Pease. It has all the stuff about lying, different sings and things in different countries and so on, and will teach you how to read people by how they sit, what movements they do and so on. Of course it's not 100% science but I've noticed that the stuff in it actually works. You can get it for very cheap and I highly recommend it if one like LIE TO ME or is interested in human behaviour. For instance, if I see a photo of a person smiling, I can tell if they're actually smiling or just pretending.