Suddenly struck me that many of the members of the forum will have absolutely no idea of the reference made in TGG to 'Jim'll fix it'. I assume most of you will just think it is referring to Jim Moriarty and his specialism in helping people get rid of their difficulties, as it were like helping them disappear.
However it is also a clever reference by the writers to a tv programme which was very popular back in the 1970s, which was hosted by Jimmy Savile, later OBE and Sir Jimmy. In this programme children would write in to the show asking for Jim to fix it for them i.e. if they had a particular wish to do something the programme makers would arrange it for them (just like Jim Moriarty then, really).
I have posted a couple of YouTube links here for you to give you a feel for the programme and because I know we have some Doctor Who fans here, and for the link to Moftiss I have included a visit from a dalek (I may have to watch the latter from behind my sofa though!)
Last edited by Davina (June 18, 2012 1:29 pm)
Good ol' Patrick Moore too!!
Nicely found Davina.
For those who don't know Patrick Moore is also something of an institute in the UK. Here's one of many tributes to him and his greatness.
I have learnt all about Sir Patrick through Dr Bri. Remarkable man.
Nite, Davina's worn me out here , lol.
Would that be Brian Cox Kazza?
He's a remarkable fellow in his own right.
very interesting!! did not know this. this almost sounds like the 'Make a wish' foundation that we have here in the states for terminally ill kids. thanks davina!!
Remarkable and musical is our Brian! I used to love watching The Sky at Night with Patrick Moore. A man, who not only popularised astronomy but was a gift to impersonators, as was Sir Jimmy.
Glad you liked my latest bit of research...and that'll keep Kazza quiet for a few hours!
I love the Jim'll fix it joke...very cool. He died recently didn't he?
Yes he did and an enormous number of his fans attended his funeral. He did a lot of voluntary work at Stoke Mandevill Hospital too.
sherlockskitty wrote:
this almost sounds like the 'Make a wish' foundation that we have here in the states for terminally ill kids.
Hunh--that's exactly what I was thinking as I watched it. Great clip with the Dalek.
Thanks for posting--I never would have known of the connection. In fact, it's really interesting how much I've learned about English culture, in general, just from participating on this board. It's wicked cool!
m0r1arty wrote:
Would that be Brian Cox Kazza?
He's a remarkable fellow in his own right.
No, I mean Dr Brian May.
They worked together with Chris Lintott on the brilliant book " Bang! The Complete History of the Universe"
It's an excellent book for the average 'man in the street' with an emerging interest in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Very easy to understand.
I have been following Dr Bri on his site for years, had a few personal conversations back & forth through email over a couple of subjects. He's a remarkable human being.
Brian May is also a remarkable fellow.
Got to play on Buckingham palace's roof for the Queen's last big gig.
Remarkable just doesn't cut it to describe Brian. I feel the urge for his own thread in music, lol But I'll resist the urge for now; I'd prattle on for hours!
And he's not 'just' about music.
Two Doctor Brians and BOTH musical. Shall we play Brian's of Britain? (Oops! That's Cabin Pressure...sorry!)
LMAO, I keep thinking about that game.
I loved the Brain of Britain! Kept me from being bored when I lived in Africa in the 1980s. And I much prefer the BBC's top-of-the-hour theme for news from that time instead of the current one, btw.
Oh not the BRAIN ; its a game; the Brians of Britain.
You'll find this educational game here:
It's in the first few minutes of this.
I hope you become as attached to this as we do.
All discussed in this thread actually:
Thanks for posting the Kazza. I love Cabin Pressure, as you know.
play them on my laptop when I'm going to bed, always good to go to sleep on a laugh
kazza474 wrote:
Oh not the BRAIN
Apparently my scintillating wit did not make it through cyberspace. Of course I knew you weren't referring to that classic show.
I did listen to Cabin Pressure; it's the first time I heard it. It was hilarious--thanks for posting it.
Listen to the others Sherli. You will not be disappointed. They are BRILLIANT!
this is an Arthur smiley face
and for ...Martin.