Thanks for sharing.^^
So Moriarty is really dead... still a bit shocked...
Mary Me wrote:
Thanks for sharing.^^
So Moriarty is really dead... still a bit shocked...
In consolation, he won a BAFTA. What else could he ask for?
Mary Me wrote:
Thanks for sharing.^^
So Moriarty is really dead... still a bit shocked...
tobeornot221b wrote:
In consolation, he won a BAFTA. What else could he ask for?
More than nothing.
Nevertheless I won't see him as Moriarty again. What a shame.
Another report of these hints is here:
Mark Gatiss Drops More 'Sherlock' Season 3 Hints
Interestingly Davina, in the comments at the bottom of your posted article I find someone with a very good comment:
"The first two paragraphs of this article offer nothing from Gatiss to back up the claims made there. The quotes provided from Gatiss certainly don't say that he wants to create new villains instead of adapting ones from Conan Doyle. I wonder if this is just yet another out of many articles where the reporter created his/her own rather fanciful interpretation of what was actually said."
I agree with that comment, reading both articles (as obviously they came from the same 'speech' made by Gatiss) there is nothing to suggest Gatiss is creating any entirely new villains. I hate shoddy reporting.
Oh, and here's Bleeding Cool's article:
Steven Moffat And Mark Gatiss “Telling Different Types Of Stories” In Sherlock Series 3
Last edited by kazza474 (January 31, 2013 10:46 am)
"Different kinds of stories" seems to be the key element here, I think.
I enjoyed this comment, courtesy of Barbara Hopkins:
"Not going to lie, I looked around after I read the "he would basically be standing behind you know and you wouldn't know he was there" line. I had to be sure Benedict Cumberbatch wasn't in my apartment, would hate to have missed an opportunity."